Chapter 1

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No one's point of view(short form p.o.v)
  It was late at night, Dream was taking a walk in the forest near his house. Until he saw someone with a cloak and fangs?! The person turned around to reveal themselves.......they were a vampire. The vampire than pounced onto Dream and bit his neck. Dream screamed in pain as the vampire started to drink his blood. After the vampire was done with drinking Dream's blood, he let go of Dream and let him collapse to the floor. " Mmmm, your blood tasted sweet and delicious like a very, very, very tasty apple. I have to admit as well I did not expect you to have golden blood. You truly are a special one. What a feast to treasure." The vampire said in a very deep and seductive voice before walking away from the crime scene. Dream just watched as the vampire walk away before he blacked out. "Dream! Dream wake up! Wake up! Wake up Dream! Please wake up!" Dream can hear a faint but loud voice screaming his name over and over again.
Who is that voice?
Why is he or she calling my name?
Why do I feel like I recognise that voice?
What happened?
Why is everything black?
Why don't I remember anything?!
Blue's p.o.v
  Dream is beginning to stir! Dream is beginning to stir! I can't believe it! I've been calling his name for the past 30 minutes!
"Dream! Your awake! How are you? Are you ok? Are you injured? Do you need help? Why were you lying on the ground?" I asked him
Dream's p.o.v
  I feel dizzy......I.....I see....Blue?! Why is he hear? "Dream! Your awake! How are you? Are you ok? Are you injured? Do you need help? Why were you lying on the ground?" Blue started envelope me in questions. "B-Blue slow down....I don't know what you are saying...." I said still trying to proceed what is happening now. "Oh! Sorry! Mweh heh heh! The magnificent sans apologise. First thing first why were you lying on the ground?" He asked me. "I-I don't know......I can't remember......sorry," hopefully he won't be mad at me. "It's ok! Are you injured?" "No.....I don't think so Blue." I told him that I don't feel any pain. "Ok..... Do you need any help?" He asked me rather worried. I don't want him to be worried about me....... "No,no I'm fine," I said with a genuine smile.
No one's p.o.v
  But little did they know that someone was watching them and was ready to ambush them. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" As they duo heard someone scream. They ran towards where the scream came from and saw a dead human on ground. They were wearing a blue T-shirt and black shorts with dark blue shoes. There was a massive scratch mark on her torso area and it was very,very deep. Blue almost puked at the sight but Dream just stood there immobilised. Something ran past them. They looked around them, scanning the area but nothing was there. Blue got nervous and hugged Dream. Dream flinched at the sudden touch but when he realised it was just Blue he hugged back. Something ran behind them. Something ran in front of them. And attacked them. More specifically Blue. But Dream took the hit. That was a mistake. It stung alot. It was really painful but Dream pushed on. That was another mistake. He needs to rest but he still goes on. Why? Does he have a death wish? Or is he just that kind of person who wants no body and I mean NO body to worry about him? It attacked again. Slashing at Dream's back with full force. "Gah!" Dream screamed in pain. The entity attacked again. Dream dodged at quite a lightning based speed. Blue was quite shocked even with a deep and large wound, Dream can still fight which is good but he thinks that Dream is pushing himself too far from his limit. Dream summoned his staff before slashing at the mysterious entity. The entity dodged but got a little cut on its arm. Dream slashed again this time being able to slice one of its weird looking 'hands'. The entity hissed before retreating. Dream smiled at himself satisfied but....again he wasn't use to showing his true self(being able to survive massive amount of pain)......and the wound on his back is actually very deep. He feel his head getting dizzy and collapsed onto the floor. His eyes started closing but before his vision completely blanked out, Dream saw Blue running towards him.
Dream wake up!
Dream wake up!
Please Dream wake up!
Dream's p.o.v
Huh? Who is that? What does he mean by wake up? .....Oh! I remember now! ......Poor Blue....I need to wake up....
"DREAM WAKE UP!" I heard someone shouting at me.
"Huh....?" I said still a little drowsy.
"DREAM YOUR OK!" I heard someone yelling at my face.
"Blue?" I asked.
I still can't see clearly.
"YEAH!" He replied.
"YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH DREAM!!!!!" He shouted at me more.
Jeez I wonder if I'm going to be deaf after this
"Sorry...." I replied with the short and simple sorry.
"DREAM YOU NEEd to be careful.....I could have lost you there could have died....." He said.
"?" I am confused.
"Dream....the wound you got back a death could have died from it......heck you shouldn't be alive right now!'re still here! It's a miracle! No body should have survived it did! Sci told me everything.....and I'm so happy that you're here! I-I don't want to lose you like papy......" He trailed off.
"He-he fell into the darkness......." He explained.
Oh yeah....Swap paps fell into depression after remembering every single timeline
Not only that.....he no longer can support Blue anymore.....right now he is in therapy.....I hope it helps him
"Heh...sorry also you're crushing......" Oh god it hurts....
"You're crushing my......Ribs!" It hurts so much right now.....
"Oh! Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too!" Blue apologised.
"It's ok....." Hopefully my ribs heal before I have to fight my brother again.
Never mind I don't think it will heal before I fight my brother again
*Crack* and another one
*Crack* and another one
*Crack* GREAT!!!!! It cracked four times I'm f***ed!
"And there goes my breathing privileges," I said with great sarcasm.
"........We need to get it fixed," Blue just said with a monotone voice.
I wonder if he is done with putting up to my s***
"Welp ok than!"
Total words:1136 words
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