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Marvelle's POV

Oh Great.
I've lost the stalker and now I'm lost.
I've been walking for some time now and I don't even know where I'm going or where I came from.

Minutes later

I heard noise coming from the distance.

I walked towards it.

( You'd think I'd learnt my lesson)

I was witnessing something like a party, with only teenagers.

They were all holding red solo cups and drinking something which made the air smell terrible.

I walked a little closer to the venue and saw a very familiar sight.


He seemed to be tugging at a young girl who looked like him.

She kept fussing , and groaning, honestly, she even looked like she was going to keel over.

He successfully tugged her onto his motorcycle.....
A very familiar motorcycle.

They are soon out of sight.

I was going to try and look for my 'home' , when I stepped on something.

I lifted my foot to find a smudged burger.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking, then I took a huge , heavenly bite.

"Ew, did you just see that?", I looked up to find a blonde in a hot pink convertible staring at me and laughing with her other friends.

"Here, take that!", She tossed a half-eaten muffin at me.

She drove away, I could still hear their pitchy laughter in the distance.

Without hesitating I popped the muffin into my mouth.

What?, I hadn't eaten for a whole day.

I walked for miles, but couldn't find anything, not even a shed to rest for the night.

I gave up and sat on the curb, and as if matters couldn't get any worse... It started to rain.

"Are you alright?", A coarse voice asked.

I looked to see an old lady, barely up to my waist, with tattoos all over.
I shivered just looking at her.

"Come my dear, you look like you need shelter", she didn't wait a second and started walking away.

I just stared at her, wobbling her way to who knows where.

"Are you coming?!", She asked, impatient.

"Y- yes"

I followed her till we reached an old abandoned house.

"Come along", she said, waving her hands in a certain direction.

Again, I followed her.

I looked around the house, astounded.

It looked like a broken down shack on the outside, but on the inside...gosh.

It took me two seconds to realize that the old lady was out of sight.

"Umm...old creepy lady?", I yelled, but no one responded.

Then a green light flashed from behind a curtain.

I walked slowly towards it and yanked the curtains aside.

Sitting at a round table was a young woman with beads and chains decorating her body, she had tattoos just like......

She looked at the seat in front on me gesturing me to sit down.

I took my seat and waited for what would happen next.

"I know who you are, And I know what you want" Her voiced echoed.

"Mmhmm", I said, eyeing her up and down.

"You seek what most people already have, the freedom, the happiness, just the normality of life", she continued.

"I could show you how to get that" .

"Mmhmm", I repeated.

"I could give you everything you've ever wanted , you just have to do something for me", I sly grin spread across her face.

I was about to back out now when an image of someone appeared in the crystal ball in front of her.


"So...do we have a deal?", She said.

"What exactly do you want me to do?", I asked, not taking up the offer so easily.

"Easy...I just need you to.. borrow something for me".


I'm so lazyyyyy
Sorry sorry sorry for the incredibly short update, I having a severe case of writer's block.
Don't worry we'll fish out something soon.


How'd you like this chapter , I know it wasn't really much but I did enjoy writing it, I do so hope you enjoy reading.
Show your love by voting and commenting, it would really motivate me.
Pretty please.

Oh thank you.
I luv you all.

☮️🥰 Ella

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