~A bin of Lego's Part 1~

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DISCLAIMER: It takes a lot to make me angry, and boy was I angry in this story but what I'm trying to say is... don't come for me, I just finished watching the avatar and learned some new moves if you wanna catch me outside( jk)

This is the backstory/explanatory rambling.👇

Ok so it was like the last few weeks of school and I had science that day. And it was supposed to be a fun day because like I said it was the last weeks of school. So my science teacher set out stations for us to play at, there was sand and marbles and things like that also a Lego station. Now let me explain how the room was setup,  think of a rectangular room and split it in half (long side like this.   |    not.   -  ya know?) And the left side had my teacher's  desk and smart board and stuff. And the right side had tables, rectangular tables going this way - and I think there was four of them. And they each held a station but all you need to remember were the last two tables at the end that held the marbles (I think) and the legos. Also there were stools at each table. And I think that's all. Now for the actual story.

It was getting to the end of science and I still haven't gone to the marble table so I went there and this boy... let's call him... Billie (not his real name btw) and he was.. how do I put it... UTTERLY DISGUSTIN. Now Billie he wasn't a regular boy in school he used to do stuff that was annoying and... nasty, example: anything you do with someone of the same gender (or opposite), hug, high five, hold hands etc. He would say " yOur gAy" wich is kinda funny cause me and my friends made a game where we would say normal things people do and then say "your gay" after it and laugh at how stupid it was. Ahhh good times but off topic. But Billie also did nasty things.. very nasty stuff that I will not speak of. So basically he was a nasty and annoying kid. Ok so I went to the marble station and Billie was at the Lego station with the  lego bin on a stool next to me and one side was sticking off the side of the stool a little so that it could fall over with a push. So I was playing with the marbles but then I wanted to ask my science teacher something. But the instant I moved (did I mention Billie had big thighs) Billie with his big ole thighs pushed the lego bin off the stool and all the legos fell out. 😤 AND GUESS WHAT THIS BIG THIGHED BILLIE SAID. "ChArLeNe wHy DiD yOu dO tHaT" (btw my name is Charlene if you didn't know) and I had it up to here with his foolishness so I started yelling saying he was lying and I didn't do anything because I didn't want to get in trouble but fortunately my science teacher was chill and acted as if we were fighting over a marker and just said calm down and stuff. But I was not ready to calm down (I was on the verge of tears actually) I was NOT about to chill out, this was literally me walking out of class 😤😡😤... so I did something...

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter and I can only hope yall are on my side and started roasting billie but I need something to say at the end of my chapters like Aussie_Pjo_Lover " a
And speaking of Aussie_Pjo_Lover go check out her covers there Amazhang peridot. And if you don't  big thighed Billie will come to your school... jk😂 but Siriusly go check her out.  PEACE✌

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