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I know you must be like finally she post's something and I know I said I would do this like 5 months ago but the point is I'm doing it now so😏😁. But feel free to roast me burnt in the comments, I deserve it after all. Roast me on my bad time management to my unnecessary sassynes. Oh also The_Ghost_Queen06 tagged me❤❤.

1. Weird fact about me: I'm good at predicting things that will happen in shows. And sometimes books and real life.

2.Favorite food: I don't have one cause when it comes to food I'm more indecisive than Percy. But my favorite desserts are cookies and/or Ice-cream.

3.Fist Fandom: ⚡✨👶. If you didn't get it by the first emoji it's Harry Potter and I've been apart of the Fandom I wanna say 3 years maybe, or less.(And if the emojis aren't showing imma look very stupid and if they are, imma look stupid for typing this so)

4. Best friends: My best friends aren't on here but I know they will read this so special message to you: wassup my knickers.(this is an inside joke don't come for me)

5. Wallpaper: I just changed my wallpaper today. I didn't know the sky around him was so asthetic till a few days ago lol.

 I didn't know the sky around him was so asthetic till a few days ago lol

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6. Otp: Percabeth, Solangelo and in some cases Leico. And umm many more.

7. Birthday: November 25 2008. That's right I finessed all of you im not 15 or 14 like you may have thought im 11 so deal with it 😎.Also fun fact I was born late and another fun fact I was born on thanks giving.

8. 5 fears: heights, drowning, being talked about behind my back, not having friends, not being able to socialize (you can imagine how bad quarantine is for me😙✌)

9. What I look like: according to my friends I look like a

Jk but I have chocolate brown skin,brown eyes, I have black curly 4c hair that doesn't even go down so I can't say how long it is, but if it were straightened it would go above my chin i guess

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Jk but I have chocolate brown skin,brown eyes, I have black curly 4c hair that doesn't even go down so I can't say how long it is, but if it were straightened it would go above my chin i guess.
It's kinda hard to explain but like my face looks different all the time it's like sometimes I look more like my mom than my dad and the other was around. But I would say I have a kinda big nose, i wouldn't say it's a button nose but it's pretty close i guess. I'm skinny and tall and my mom calls me water bird(cause they have long legs) which is really annoying. Oh also one more thing about my hair, I wear my hair in different styles all the time I explained my hair when it's not styled so don't think I walk around with my hair sticking up left and right.

10. Favorite song: oh nothing just the whole Steven universe movie play list, never enough by greatest showman and this is me also by the greatest showman, dear katara, agni kai remix cause why not and also normal agni Kai.

11. Why I made this account: well actually funny story I was bored and I wanted to read soo bad so I searched on Google Percy Jackson fanatics long story short it brought me here and I was reading a good book but in the middle of it, wattpad said I had to make an account before I could read more so I did and here we are. Then I promised my self I wold just read on here not comment or anything. Not me commenting sassy comments on people's books. Not me making a fricken book. Not me doing a tag thingy. This clearly says something about me.

12. Favorite character: as you can see by my username and pf pic obviously the one and only Octavian🥵🥵.


Um answer these tag thingys it's fun and I listed the questions with numbers for ya if you wanna do it. And um @ 10 people or however many. Have good day. Peace✌.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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