The Lockdown Drill

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Ok... I know I haven't updated in... a decade but ummm.......... So yeah on with the story!

It was a normal day at lunchtime I was just sitting with my friends eating, like any other day.
Then there was a voice on the speaker thingy that's said where doing a lockdown or something I'm not sure but basically it means that we can't go outside and everyone has to be inside or something like that.

So I'm eating lunch not giving a frick to what ever the person said on the speaker thingy and out of a sudden people are huddling around and whispering to each other and I'm like what's going on and my friends were like I don't know. And then one of  the "gangsta" boy's from my class start crying and now I'm like ok something is obviously wrong and one of the girls start crying to and some more people.

Then I find out that they were crying cause of the lockdown drill thing and the thought there was killer something outside.  I almost started laughing for gods sake. I really underestimated the stupidity of my classmates. And you may be asking well charlene why are your classmates so stupid? Well I'm so glad you asked! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY JUST HAVE US SITTING THERE EATING IF THERE WAS A KILLER OUTSIDE. Like how? How does that make sense in your mind. Why would all the teachers just sit there if a killer was outside?

So I'm just sitting there telling my friends what I told you but watered down, and then there's an ambulance that goes passing by and everyone is freaking out. I'm still not fazed at all but then some people are asking to go to the bathroom with there friends to cry and stuff really thinking they was bout to die. I was sitting there eating my lunch on the edge of the bench cause my classmates stupidity was taking up all the space.

Finally the principal came to clear things up and my face was like this the whole time

Finally the principal came to clear things up and my face was like this the whole time

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And this was my face when my classmates were crying

And this was my face when my classmates were crying

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Anyway back to the story. So the principal said that we had to stay inside because someone had a heart attack in the nearby neighborhood and they needed to go to a

hospital in D.C. so the helicopter had to land in one of the fields near the school so they didn't want anyone outside. And she also said that we were doing the most and needed ourselves together...ok maybe she didn't say that but what I said was still straight  FAX.
And everyone went on with there day happily ever NOT... because we had math :( 

Also idk why my paragraph looks like that. I think my wattpads broken.

And I'm given yall a bonus story cause I love yall

Sike I just feel like I never write enough and my stories are short... soo on with the bonus story!

Ok so the boys always played football at recess and they started playing to ruff. So the teachers said no more football. The boys were pissed. I was not and as a matter of fact I didn't care cause I didn't play football.
So one day a group of boys had the great idea to start a riot in the playground and shout we want football

So the playground is split up in two with the swings and little kid jungle gym thingy and the other side had a much bigger jungle gym thingy and literally no one was in the first half of the play ground because they were all on the other side shouting we want football. So like any normal person I went to check it out and I shouted a few times just for fun,then went back and a group of boys were marching around one of the teachers shouting.

Long story short people got in trouble went to the principal, people snitched on each other causing more drama, and lecture about respect and schist in specials. Also people were saying that the teacher they were marching around was racist cause everyone she told the principal about was black and can I say in my whole grade there was about 5-6 white people some of them didn't even join in. But I just think they were mad that there friends got in trouble and blame the teacher.  Also some of them wanted everyone to get in trouble for shouting wich was like the whole grade. So ya drama continued of course, there was even rumors that someone got jumped when everything happened which is way to funny to me.

Anyway hope yall had a good laugh and ima ask you guys a question cause I saw some people do it so now I'm doing it.  Ummm what was your favorite show growing up? My mom said I liked Dora the explora but that was when I was little little but I think maybe Jake and the Never land pirates or oomizoomi or doc mic stufins (if that's even how you spell it lol) so ya have a nice day... or night


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