~ A bin of legos Part 2, Trouble and Cheeseburgers~

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DISCLAIMER: It takes a lot to make me angry, and boy was I angry in this story but what I'm trying to say is... don't come for me, I just finished watching the avatar and learned some new moves if you wanna catch me outside( jk)

Awww yes I did something that was maybe not very nice but I was angry, so I didn't care. It was lunch time and I chilled out to a minimum. I was talking with my friends and I told them what happened, but I don't really remember what they thought of it. But I do remember what I did... I said something about Billie that has to do with cheeseburgers, ummm how do I put it... he (coughs* made)  love (coughs* with) cheeseburgers. Yep... me and my friends had a good laugh about it and no one would tell Billie what I said. But someone snitched on me and to this day I still don't know who. It couldn't have been my friends (actually it was basically the whole lunch table that knew except for Billie).When the teacher asked me what I said my heart was going a mile a minute, and I was so scared so I said that he liked to eat cheeseburgers
Not at all what I'd actually said. And the teacher asked me why I said that and I told her why and she was like wElL dIdn'T yOur sCieNce tEaChEr sOlvE tHe PrObLeM. Wich she did but didn't cause i was still mad.But i do know Billie didn't snitch on me cause when the teacher called him up to ask what happened he was confused why he was called up. So the teacher told me to say sorry and schist and then I went back to sit down shivering from fear and wondering who the frick snitched on me. THE END

first off the picture tho☠☠☠ also do you guys have any ideas on stories you'd might like if so tell me cause it might dig up some memories for me to share. Do you think what I did was bad and what would you have done.
Also I hope yall don't think I'm a bad person but oof I chose to share this story with you guy's anyway, Also is this what you expected me to do? If not what did you think I was gonna do. Lol I like how I'm legit quizzing yall but PEACE✌

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