New Base [ch.1]

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As I stepped into the Red Army base, I victoriously sucked in a huge breath of air before choking on it. The recruit next to me snickered, so I shot him a dirty-ass look. He smirked before a strong wooden door in front of us slammed open. Out came Red Leader. You couldn't miss him with his notorious robotic arm and scars. I scrambled into a salute as he surveyed us all. The other recruits, following my lead, did the same. Red Leader, otherwise known as Tord, strolled straight up to me. With a gulp, I kept eye contact.

Even looking at Tord made me feel like I was doing something unforgivable, and by the faces of the other recruits, they felt the same. He suddenly smiled as he pinned his arms behind his back and stood before me. I felt his eyes on my hand, and it was then that I realised that my left hand had automatically flicked to grab a pistol hidden in my waistcoat. A look of approval flashed in his eyes as I flushed and stuffed my hands by my sides.

He stood up straight to address us all, ignoring me as suddenly as he noticed me. I was fine with that. Red Leader wasn't someone you wouldn't want to have attention from. Shame that that Tom kid didn't realise that sooner. He had to pay the full price. What's more, Tord sacrificed his friends for nothing. The giant robot was destroyed anyway, thousands of pounds of equipment and machinery. Having an interest in mechanics meant I was desperate to meet the soldier who created the giant robot prototype and blueprints.

I was also handy in driving, maybe he'd assign me as a transporter of ammunitions? Although that would be a waste of skill. Not that he cares. He beckoned towards us, almost as if he was bored. 'Into the room.' We were ushered into a room where at least 20 other soldiers sat, looking up as we came in. One caught my eye. He was puffing on a cigarette, head in his hands and scowling at everyone who made eye contact with him. As I made contact, his mouth dropped open. That was when I realised Red Leader's hand was on my shoulder.

'What's your name kid?' I trembled. 'Patryk Larssin, Red Leader sir.' Tord nodded. 'I will be assigning you all with partners, who may be changed-' Here he paused to give a sinister smile- 'Or chopped during you career in the Army.' I grimaced as he grinned at me. 'Recruits?' Everyone looked up at Tord and I. I looked at my leather boots, silently cursing. I had drawn Tord's attention, securing certain death. 'This is Patryk -Paul?' The man I had noticed earlier stood up with a roll of eyes, and walked over without taking his cigarette out of his mouth.

'This is Paul.' Tord said. 'You seem eager to please and a bright kid, Patryk. Paul used to be one of my most faithful and trusted soldiers so you will be partnered with him. Paul?' The man with soft stubble and large square eyebrows nodded. 'Show him to his room as I assign the other recruits and send them off with their partners.' The man nodded, striding briskly out of the room. I trailed after him.

My mind grazed over Red Leader's words; 'Paul used to be one of my most faithful and trusted soldiers so you will be partnered with him.' Hold on a second..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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