Chapter 8 - The Determinant

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Aravind & Mila


After the desperate hug, Mila was nowhere to be seen. I searched everywhere in the name of packing but she was missing. As we were leaving home, I noticed a familiar figure in the far end of the road. Mila signalled to a cab and left. Once we reached home for post marriage rituals, I reached Nithya’s room to enquire about Mila but Nithya seemed distant. I could make out that she has been crying for a long time now. Bewildered, I walked slowly to her and asked “Nithya. What happened?”, she composed herself and said nothing. I rang the question again but this time she stood up and ran towards the window. We stood there embracing each other as we both understood that she will be living with her husband in Bengaluru. Astonished of the woman she has become – looking divine and wrecked simultaneously, I comforted her. Since Srikanth is from Bengaluru, I told her that she is always welcome at my place to which she commented “Obviously, but Mila’s place is easy to live in.”

As the ceremonies concluded, myself, Nithya and Srikanth left to Bengaluru. Mila was there to receive us with Srikanth’s family. After ensuring that Nithya is settled at his place, myself and Mila  left. Neither of us spoke for the entire ride, only sound that I heard was her humming A.R. Rahman’s composition. She got down and paid her share to the driver without making eye contact. Once I reached my room, I rummaged through the bags for my missing phone. I remember booking the ride on my phone but I had no idea where I dropped it. Instantly, I walked to Mila’s place and knocked on the door. She looked feeble probably from sleep deprivation. I checked her body temperature and it was normal. Moving on, I told her that my mobile was missing. She went to her study room without any word. I started looking into her bags when she reappeared with my mobile in her hand.

“Why?” I asked.

She coyly replied “I thought we should talk about us.”

I questioned with an imploding mind “Why didn’t you say anything about this back in the cab?”

Without losing her chill, she said “I was of the opinion that you’ll get down with me at my place. But you kept gawking at me. So, I had to snatch your phone.”

I was startled at her rare tantrum and did not understand why she was throwing one now. Choosing my words carefully, I asked “Why don’t we have that conversation now?”, pulling her towards the bean bags. I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She smelled of lavender seeds as she flipped her hair; she hooked her hands to mine, and I spoke in murmurs “Can we forget the instant connection we had and go back to how things were?” wanting her to mutter a “No”. But she released my hands, and said “Yes, please”. She went on to explain that career comes first and was convincing herself that this connection was mere attraction. I knew she wanted to believe that. But I knew it in my heart that what we had was more than that.

We hung out a lot after that consciously avoiding this topic. As months passed, my love for her never diminished. We stepped up in our respective career ladder and everything seemed satisfactory.  I restrained from bringing this up unless she was ready. So, when she said "I am falling for you every moment of everyday at an increasing rate". My heart was thumping loud; my ears could not believe that; my eyes locked to hers. In that moment, I knew that she is going to change my life for the better because she is my miracle.

Nithya never sensed anything about us all this while. But now she is here to live with Mila I knew that Mila would give in all the events from the wedding revelations till the recent proposal to Nithya. Mila cannot keep secrets from Nithya. They are like some twisted friends. I am going to hate it if Nithya seems agitated about our relationship. For all we know, Nithya is here to spring a surprise. I have asked Mila to be extra cautious with her chitchats with Nithya. It is crucial for both of us that Nithya accepts our love as she has always had a positive impact in our lives. Hope she keeps up the same streak this time as well.

Watch out for more!

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