Chapter 1

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4 hours ago

I literally rolled off the bed with a grunt. Today was going to be a bad day. I can't explain why or how I knew it, but the looming sense of doom was hanging over the back of my mind like a heavy wet blanket. My alarm didn't go off or it probably did, but I must've turned it off by the intricate muscle memory that almost everyone seems to possess when turning off the morning alarm in one's sleep.

I had less than an hour to get to work. I hate being rushed in the mornings. Sure, no one was going to question me if I arrived late. Perks of being the boss. The Boss' daughter, technically but Appa had more or less handed over the reigns last year so I could do very well as I pleased. But I had to set a precedent for my employees. How could I yell at them for coming late if I was guilty of it myself?

I only had time for a cup of coffee before I grabbed my purse and car keys and flew out the door. It was a 15 minutes drive to my workplace and I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel to the music playing on the radio. The ominous feeling still hadn't dissipated.

I glanced at my Apple Watch to see what it would say about my heart rate.

96 bpm

This was rather high for the start of the day. I sighed and tried to mentally fortify myself as I parked in the underground parking lot. I could feel a mild headache take root right behind my eyes. I pushed a pair of sunglasses on my face. I didn't want anyone to notice my occasional winces against loud noises and chalk it up to a hangover. The Boss does not drink on a workday.

I stepped into the elevator and rode straight up to the top floor. Surprisingly, I wasn't waylaid on any floor. The bell chimed and I stepped out to the sound of excited chittering which reminded me of a scurry of chipmunks.

I glanced around and noticed a group of people clamoring against the desk of my PA. Looking at the cameras and notepads and self important voices, I could deduce they were the press.


My lovely PA noticed me immediately and signaled me with her eyes to scamper off to the doors of my office. Unfortunately, one hawk eyed reporter noticed the gesture and spotted me, I speed walked to my door hoping it didn't look like I was fleeing. Two security guards flanked my sides immediately and kept the reporters at bay.

"Miss Aanandhi! What is your take on this new scandal? Do you think it will affect your company's image?"

"Is it true that Miss Shreya was a shareholder and you'll be losing a huge amount due to this fallout?"

I muttered a quick 'no comment' and was safely escorted to the peace and quiet of my office. I took off my sunglasses and rubbed my forehead. What were they all nattering on about?

"En Ponmagale (My Gold Daughter)!" boomed a voice in greeting and I bit back a groan.

"Appa? What are you doing here?" I asked slowly. Remember that crappy feeling I had earlier? It just intensified ten fold by the presence of my lovely father in my office. And he was using nicknames. It was never a good sign when he decided to do so. Appa believed that buttering me up with cute names was a way to ease into bad news. To this date, it has never worked on me.

"Do I need a reason to visit my Pavala Maanickam (Coral Ruby)?" he asked with a small pout and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes, you do! And you can start by explaining why you dragged the press here to my office?"I stated firmly.

My father looked forlorn at my harsh tone. Like, I was the sole reason for his upset.

"I didn't call the press here, you see. They showed up here uninvited like they always do, Thangame (Gold)," he explained.

My Treacherous Marriage (Vahana Vamsathaar Series #3) - Published Where stories live. Discover now