Needles and Cuddles Pt.1

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For Kit, there is a very thin line between being annoyed at someone and wanting to use some very big needles on him to administer a 'pretend' shot while feigning incompetence by intentionally missing the vein and repeating the process by several times. It doesn't hurt a lot. Really.

And he's so tempted to do it. At least once. Or more like a hundred times, to the smiling idiot in front of him.

Why he hasn't done that yet is a mystery though. For Ming is a guy who has a way of getting on Kit's nerves and veins and arteries and he can't seem to find a good reason why he's putting up with him. Maybe he's just too kind for this world, is what he'd been telling himself. He's humble too.

So his stupid moon is here again, nothing new. Standing outside his room looking dashing as always. Smiling fondly at him in the early hours of the morning. For the fifth freakin' time this week. Officially becoming Kit's eyesore and constant headache.

Whoever spilled the tea, water or coffee on this nutcase about them having to do vaccine and other shots and needing to practice beforehand will definitely get it from him. For since then, he had endured daily visits from this dummy volunteering to practice with him. Well Ming always visits him. But Ming having a valid excuse this time is making it ten times (actually make that eleven times) harder for Kit to shoo him away.

In reality, Kit doesn't need to take another major and study criminology to know that Beam is the one responsible for leaking the info to his eyesore and constant headache aka Ming.

It's been a while since he'd known that one of his bestfriends is playing double agent. Staying by his side and helping him while at the same time giving Ming all the details of their schedules and activities. And Kit would like to hate him with all his heart for doing so but can't even begin to. Ugh.

Unable to do anything, Kit just resigned to his fate and decided to make the most out of it.

"You're here again", Kit said coldly.

"I miss you too P'Kit", Ming cheerfully replied.

"Are we even speaking the same language? I don't remember saying anything about missing you.", Kit just rolled his eyes.

"Aw. My P'Kitkat is being grumpy again. Let's eat first, I brought breakfast. It isn't good to start the day with an empty stomach.", Ming said as he handed the plastic bag to Kit.

"Sigh. Come in.", Kit lifelessly replied. This has been going on since Tuesday this week. Ming knocks at Kit's door early in the morning with breakfast for two then after having eaten, they'll rest for a while and Kit will practice on Ming for about an hour after which they'll go to university together. Just normal stuff.

While Kit is setting the table and their food, Ming decided to ask him about his plans for the day. It's the weekend and he knows Kit doesn't have a class.

"Are you going somewhere today after practice P'Kit?" Ming has already cancelled all his other plans determined to spend some quality time with his P'Kitkat while the other is just as eager to drive him away. ASAP.

"I won't. I have downloaded a movie yesterday and I plan to watch it today before studying."

"Can I watch it with you P'Kit? I'll buy the snacks.", Ming offered trying his best to convince Kit.

"I already bought some snacks on my way home yesterday so no need. And I plan on watching the movie alone.", Kit said without even looking at Ming.

"Please let me watch it with you P'Kit.", Ming tried some more while showing his best puppy eyes look. But Kit probably hates dogs or he's just a cat person for he only looked at Ming before saying, "It's done. Let's eat."

And Ming will have to accept that albeit with a mumble. "Bad P'Kit", Ming murmured with a pout.

Kit has always find him a bit cute, antics and all but decided there's no need to share that information so he stayed silent and started eating.



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