Needles and Cuddles Pt.2

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Kit and Ming ate in silence. Ming is being unusually quiet and Kit is having a blast. Sort of.

Kit was initially enjoying the peace and quiet and the crickets but when Ming kept mum for too long with a dark gloomy aura around him and a few dropping straight lines just like how they do it in mangas, Kit thought it wouldn't be so bad to make him talk.

"Cat got your tongue?", Kit said urging Ming to speak.

"Have nothing to say.", Ming replied in the lowest decibel that the other almost didn't catch it.

That's new, Kit thought surprised to see this side of Ming. And for some reason, like a sudden headache it didn't sit well with Kit.

Ming is usually in charge of keeping the conversation going but since he doesn't seem to be in the mood to do so, Kit decided to take over.

Kit thinks he knows just what to say to stop Ming from moping and since he's too kind for this world, he decided to give in.

"You've seen Bad Genius before?", Kit asked. Waiting for a yes but hoping for a no.

"Not yet but I want to.", Ming said almost in a whisper.

"Then stay after I'm done with practice. Watch it with me.", Kit said before clearing the empty plates and standing up heading to the sink to wash them. Just this once.

He'll ask Ming to do the dishes next time.

If Kit waited for a bit before standing up and heading to the sink, he would have seen how Ming's face lit up with the invitation to watch the movie. His pout disappeared and in it's place, a wide smile can be seen. It doesn't reach Ming's ears but it's wide enough to tell anyone looking that he's extremely happy.

But even if Kit can't see how his words brighten up Ming's mood, he can totally hear how the other is happily humming while sitting on his bed after saying a quick, "Thanks, P'Kit".

Kit don't like letting anyone else sit on his bed but decided not to comment on it. This one time won't hurt.

Plus he doesn't have a sofa.

When Kit was done doing the dishes and drying them, he turned around and looked at the sitting person on his bed.

Kit then noticed that Ming has been dressing differently this past few days. And Kit can't help but wonder if wearing sweaters in summer is Ming's idea of hot.

Still, since the temp is just fine with the aircon on in his room Kit just shrugged the thought away and went to his desk where he keeps a box with his things needles and all.

"Should we start with your practice now P'Kit?", Ming asked after seeing Kit getting the familiar box.

Kit just nod his head and proceed with sitting beside Ming.

Kit didn't get his needles ready right away. He thought he'll check Ming's arms first before deciding which kind of shot to practice but when he sat in front of Ming and folded the sleeves of his sweater Kit finally realized why the other person started covering his arms.

The black, purple and blue little marks on Ming's arm tugged something on Kit's chest. From afar, they do look like dainty little tatts but knowing how Ming got them pained Kit.

The other didn't let on but it must have hurt if Kit had accidentally ruptured one of his blood vessels during the practice injections and suddenly Kit felt like hugging the person in front of him.

And hugged him he did.



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