Needles and Cuddles Pt.3

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P'Kit...", was the only thing Ming managed to say. The sudden hug caught him by surprise. It was a little too tight and Ming was turning a bit blue but he's just too happy at the moment to really care.

Kit will be the death of him someday. Like, literally.

"Does it hurt a lot?", Kit asked after sometime while trying his best not to sound too worried. Ming was tempted to clarify if he was referring to the hug or to the marks but held himself.

"Why didn't you tell me it has become like this?", Kit added.

"I'm fine P'Kit, it stings but only a bit. Much like an insect bite.", Ming replied assuring Kit there's nothing to be concerned about. Or probably there is, but definitely not the marks left by his practice injections.

"You're worried about me." Ming added with a smile on his lips. Too happy in the idea that Kit cares for him. Kit acting this way is like a red moon. It's even rarer than the blue one.

"Yes I am worried. I wasn't careful enough and I've hurt you.", Kit said still hugging Ming. He already loosen the hug a bit, much to Ming's relief.

"It's okay na P'. It's your first time doing shots and injections. You can't be an expert right away and please trust me when I say it doesn't hurt that much.", Ming said softly. His one hand is around Kit's waist and the other is stroking his back.

Ming is still in Kit's room but he feels like his soul left him and is enjoying it's time in cloud 9 or the seventh heaven whichever is open.

Ming is enjoying the moment as he has never been this close before with his P'Kit and he plans to record every second of it in his head. Scheduled to be replayed for an indefinite number of times in the nearest future.

When Kit has finally calmed down which was a bit too soon for Ming's liking, Kit treated the bruised marks and told Ming he'll check it again later. After which they decided to watch the movie.

Sitting side by side with their backs pressed against the headboard, Ming and Kit were watching the movie with no probability of bumping their hands against each other in the absence of a big bucket of popcorn to share. And Ming was a bit disappointed.

Kit would have smacked Ming senseless if he knows what's going on his mind but since he doesn't, Ming is safe. For now.

After watching for sometime, Kit tugged on the sleeves of Ming's sweater. Ming thought Kit wanted some more snacks but when he turned to face Kit, Ming was only gestured to come closer. After scooting close enough, Kit gently guided his head and had Ming lean on him. "It'll be more comfortable this way."

Ming was so surprised with Kit's affectionate act that he found himself with nothing to say. And a lot of things he wants to do. But Ming kept his hands to himself. He will not ruin this romantic moment not when it was his Kitkat who initiated it. So Ming stayed still and tried his best to focus on the movie and less on the feel of Kit's chest and Kit's arms around him.

Ming found it a sweet torture but he couldn't care less. Being in Kit's embrace is all that matters.




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