Chapter 2

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(Teacher talking)
(Police talking)
Deku's POV
I woke up at 6:37 exited for today.I went to the bathroom to shower and do morning stuff,then I went to the kitchen to grab a toast and head to school.
I saw some black feathers,feathers(They aren't feathers but just deal with it)that looked like Ryuuk's.I turned around to see Ryuuk following me.
"RYUUK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!PEOPLE ARE GONNA SEE YOU!!!!!!!"I whisper yelled
"I am simply following you to school.And don't worry,no one can see me except the book's holder"
(Still Midoriya's POV)
We made it school and went to class.
Since I was early,no one was here except for kacchan and his friend that was supposed to die at 8:20.
I sat in my usual spot,waiting for class to begin,well..mostly for a certain someone to die.I kept glancing at the clock waiting for the scene to happen.After a few minutes the bell rang and students began filling the classroom.Then the teacher came and began to teach.

2 hours later,it happened,he died.people were looking at him weirdly until the teacher went to check his pulse.His eyes widened of shock and said,
"H-He....H-He d-died"
He then called the police.
"Yes?what is your emergency?"
"Okay,we will be there in 20 minutes"
Then the teacher hung up and said,
"C-Class d-dismissed"
Everyone started running out of class,terrified.But kacchan stayed behind and looked at his dead friend.
Kacchan turned towards me surprised that I wasn't crying,terrified or running out of class.I just stayed there smirking mischievously.
"Looks like you're enjoying this kid"
"For the record,I am!"
Kacchan looked at me weirdly cause he thought I was talking to myself.
I walked out of class still smirking.And I can tell that kacchan was still terrified and surprised without looking at him.
As I was walking home,Ryuuk started talking,
"Who was that,kid?"
"His name is Katsuki Bakugou,but I call him kacchan"
"Yes,kacchan.Its what I used to call him when we were kids,that is....until he found out I was quirkless.He started bullying me and called me names like'deku,worthless or quirkless'.Now since he told the entire school I was quirkless,everyone hates me so that leads to me not having any friends and my class calling me names,well mostly calling me deku."
"Oh,well then sucks to be you"
"You aren't helping!!!"
"Was I supposed to?"
"Uggghhh,never mind"
We made it back home and I was greeted by my mother.(inko talking)
"Hello sweetie,why are you home so early ?"|inko|
"Well Tamari randomly had a heart attack in the middle of class,so the teacher dismissed the class"<deku>
"Oh?Well anyway I made apple pie!!!!"
"Didn't we have apple pie yesterday?"<deku>
"Nope!Ryuuk ate it all!So I made another one!"|inko|
"Oh that's normal-wait,WHAT?!?!!?!"<deku>
"I said Ryuuk are it all,is there a problem?-Oh never mind.Anyway,you're probably wondering how I know Ryuuk,right?"|inko|
"YES.i need an explanation right now!!!"<deku>
"Well,you see,yesterday when I came home the house was more quieter than usual,so I went to your room and saw you sleeping.Then I saw the Death note you placed on your desk OUT IN THE OPEN,so I simply saw who's name you wrote.Then when I touched the notebook, I saw Ryuuk in the corner of my eye.We introduced ourselves and I treated him the apple pie!"|inko|
"So you're telling me,that you didn't freak out when you saw him.You didn't scream or anything?"<deku>
"Yup!didnt scream!"|inko|
"May you tell me WHY you didn't scream?"<deku>
"Simple really,you see,before you were born I was given the death note and a shinigami,so that's how I didn't do anything when I saw Ryuuk!"|inko|
"Oh,I guess that makes sense"<deku>
"*Coughing wanting to get attention*Excuse me but can we get to the apple pie part?"
"Shut up Ryuuk!"<deku>
"*giggles*Ok Ryuuk,I'll give you a slice.Izuku we can talk about the death note later"|inko|
Mom slices a slice of pie for Ryuuk and we continue talking about the death note

9:48 pm

"Honey,shouldn't you sleep?you don't wanna be late tomorrow"
"Yeah,it is pretty late,anyway goodnight!"
"Goodnight honey!"
I went to brush my teeth,change into my pajamas and then I went to sleep having one last thought in my head.
'Who should I kill tomorrow?'
Then I slowly drifted off to sleep


"Soooooo,how are you enjoying the pie so far??!!"
"I'm in heaven!"
" Well I'm glad you like it.Anyway I'm going to sleep,goodnight Ryuuk!"
Inko went to her room and shut the door.
'I'm sure she won't mind if I have another slice'
Ryuuk stays up all night eating apple pie

3:42 am

Ryuuk kept repeating and repeating that in his head but can't get enough from this delicious heaven.

Finally,when Ryuuk reaches to grab a slice,he felt nothing,nothing at all...........all the slices were gone and it was HELL.
He wanted to wake up Inko so bad,just for her to make him another apple pie.But he couldn't just wake her up,So he decided to suffer and go to sleep grieving for some apple pie.This was the worst day of his entire life.
But since he was grieving for apple pie he couldn't sleep,sooo he decided to eat the crumbs of the apple pie so he would feel a bit better.And to his surprise,it did help him!
Now he can go to sleep and wake up in the morning begging Inko to bake him more apple pie.

Word count:996

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