Chapter 4

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Deku's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping over and over.i turned it off because of how annoying it was. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. I got out of the shower and dried myself, then changed into my uniform.
I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. Then I put put my shoes on and went to school with the death note in hand, writing down kacchan's friend's name in it 'Shoyoto Oriki'(Made up name)
"Shoyoto Oriki.Time of death-7:11.
How he's gonna die-While a woman is carrying her groceries,the bags are gonna rip open and roll over on the road. Then a truck that has a ladder with a sharp tip will drive over the groceries and the wheels will become slippery.then the truck is going to crash in our classroom and the end of the ladder will chop off Oriki's head"
"Jeez kid,didn't think you'd actually make it a little more brutal"
"Isn't it what I said? I said that until I know the death note is real,I'll keep killing with heart attacks"
"But how do you know it is real?"
"My mom said she had one,and that he used to kill people with it but passed it onto me. And I know she never lies"
"I'll take that as a complement,thank you very much"
As we were walking,I saw the school in the distance. So I put the death note in my bag and walked faster.
As we entered the school,I kept getting glares for some reason.
'Kacchan probably spread a rumor about the time that Anashi died'
I also heard some murmurs bu to decided to ignore it.
I made it to class and sat in my seat,staring at the clock and back to Oriki.
It was only 6:21 so I had to wait 38 more minutes. The bell rang and the teacher came in, starting the lecture.
It was now 6:53 only 7 more minutes left for Oriki to live.
I kept smirking evilly. 6 more minutes.
5 more minutes. 4 more minutes. 3 more minutes. 2 more minutes. 1 ḿőŕé ḿíńúté.
Everyone started screaming and panicking. But me, I smirked from ear to ear,Kacchan looking at me. I think I saw him terrified, but that might be my mind playing tricks on me.Everyone ran out the room but me. When there was no one in the class,I went over to the dead body.

Bakugou's POV
Another one.........
Another one died.........
As I ran out the classroom,I saw that Deku was still in there. I hid behind the doors so I could see what he is doing.
He walked over to Oriki's dead body and said quietly
"Such a shame. I thought I wasted my sweet time. But it was worth it, watching you die like that, made me want to kill.....more. Jeez,is this how villains feel killing people?cause it feels amazing.I'd like to kill another person,but I just can't find a perfect person to kill. What a drag.C'mon Ryuuk lets go"
Did I hear him right? Or do I need to get my ears checked? Who's Ryuuk? But the worthless Deku-or was worthless, killed two people while getting away with it?Now I'm starting to question,How on earth he did that.
He began walking over to the door,but before he could walk through, I ran the opposite direction he was in. I ran and didn't look behind me.
I walked home still terrified from what happened.I entered the house and slammed the door closed
I didn't respond from the shock
"ARE YOU IGNORING ME NOW-,Eh?Katsuki? You look kinda pale! Is your ass ok? What happened?"
"It's probably on the news.check it out yourself. And if it isn't on the news,Don't come to me"
I mumbled still terrified
I went to my room and shut the door. I changed into more comfortable clothes and went to sleep without eating anything.

Word count:715

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