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"So now they seek refuge here?" Seungwoo questioned as the twins were both in the student council room KO-ed after an eventful week.

"Give them a break. You have no idea how hectic things have been recently," Minhyun chuckled. Seungwoo caught the change in Minhyun's eyes, of course. He was looking at them adoringly.

"Minki has been really busy too," Aron spoke up as he stacked the papers together and clipped them. Dongho perked his head up at the mention of Minki. He had gotten closer to Jonghyun who have also taken a liking to the drama club president so the mention of Minki intrigued him.

"He has to make sure his club performs well for the festival after all and with him gone, the juniors are bound to slack off," Seungwoo added. "Daniel is always complaining that he never shows up for soccer."

This time, Baekho peeked up at the student council members. Minhyun noticed them and giggled, making the other two turn to him suspiciously. Minhyun coughed and cleared his throat, pretending he didn't just do that. Seungwoo and Aron exchanged glances and smirked.

"So, Dongho, which one of you are dating Minhyun?" Seungwoo asked on purpose and all three gasped, looking uneasy immediately except for Dongho who smiled.

"Of course I am," he said without hesitation. Baekho frowned and wanted to say that he was too but how would that make Minhyun look? Dongho straightened up and leaned against the seat. Minhyun blushed furiously and Seungwoo gasped.


"A-actually," Minhyun interrupted but paused. He didn't know how to rectify this or if it even needed rectifying.

"Will you look at that?" Seungwoo chuckled. Baekho looked away and pursed his lips. "Always knew you would go with Dongho."

"Don't say that," Minhyun snapped and huffed. "I'm..." He looked at Dongho who just showed a blank expression and sighed. "I'm trying your suggestion."

Seungwoo stiffened and turned to Baekho who had hid his face long ago. "W-wait. You're serious?"

"What suggestion?" Aron asked curiously.

"To date both of them," Seungwoo answered him. Aron gaped at Minhyun and then the twins who had opposite reactions. One looked like he just wanted to curl up and hide while the other was smiling sparkingly bright.

"I mean... We have been together since young s-so... Its not wrong, is it?" Minhyun squeaked, turning embarrassed himself as well.

"I didn't know you're into that kind of stuff," Aron said and Minhyun jumped.

"What does that mean? I'm not into anything!"

"Aron sshi, you have a rival yourself, right?" Dongho asked and Aron turned red but it was frustration instead of embarrassment.

"That new student... Ah. Sorry. You guys don't need to bother about it."

"Jonghyun?" Minhyun said and Aron frowned.

"Yeah. He's your classmate, isn't he?"

"Mhmm. Seems like a nice guy."

"That's the problem," Aron huffed and crossed his arms. "The moment I look away, he's all over Minki." Aron didn't typically talk about his emotions or much at all whenever he was with them so both Minhyun and Seungwoo were instantly focused.

"Maybe you should try what Minhyun is trying too," Seungwoo said jokingly and Aron scowled.

"No way. I'll never be in a three way relationship with that guy."

"Why not?" Minhyun asked curiously. "Have you asked Minki about what he thinks?"

"Minki.... Minki isn't interested in dating either of us. I think."

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