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"Let's be friends."

"Dongho ah, help me do this."

"Can you help me buy lunch please? I forgot to bring my money."

"Aww. You can help me take over, right? It's not a problem for you, right?"

Dongho twisted and turned in his bed before he opened his eyes and let out a cough before breathing in shakily. He rubbed his eyes and breathed out, staring blankly in the dark room. He sat up and took deep breaths. He took a look at the time and frowned. It was only 3am. Luckily they didn't have school tomorrow or he would be super cranky about it. He stood up and walked around in circles, breathing in and out. In and out. He laid down and shut his eyes, trying to sleep again.

"Ahh. I know. You like that boy, right? What do you think other people would do to you if you told them?"

"You'll listen to me, right? If you don't, I'll send my friends to greet your brother."

"No, stop it. Stop."

The laughing. The giggling. The jeering.

"-up! Wake up, Dongho!"

Dongho jolted awake and stared at Baekho with wide eyes as he panted. Baekho looked concerned and tired.


"You were screaming," Baekho said as he let his brother go and sat down beside him. "Had a nightmare again? It's been awhile since your last one. Want me to take you some sleeping pills?"

"No... I'm fine."

Baekho pouted and got up. He took a hand towel from Dongho's drawer and tossed it at him. Dongho caught it and wiped his sweat off. "How long has it been since the last one?"

"8 months."

"That's a record."

Dongho nodded and rubbed his neck tiredly.

"What was the trigger this time?"

"Stress, I guess."

Baekho crossed his arms and frowned. "You remember what the psychiatrist said about hiding things from me. You can choose to keep it from him but it'll be better if you told someone."

"It was just... Something Jonghyun said today. It's not a big deal."

"Dongho... I've been hiding this secret of yours for years but even I don't know what caused it to start. Isn't it about time you told me?" Baekho voiced out his concern properly this time. Dongho bit his lower lip and tugged at the towel in his hand.

"You remember... That... That kid back in school who bullied you?"

Baekho stiffened and squeezed his arms. "You knew?"

"Yes... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you back then. I..."

"It's fine. I thought I hid it well."

Dongho shook his head and stood up. He bowed to Baekho who jumped.

"Woah? Dongho?"

"I'm sorry. I... Its my fault that he bullied you."

"What are you saying?"

"I... Before Minhyun and this city, I already found out that I liked boys. He found out too and he used it against me. He told me if he didn't want anyone else to know, I should just... Do whatever he says but his requests became more and more ridiculous as time passed. It got to the point I snapped and told him that I quit being his lackey. That's why he went after you... I'm sorry. Its all because I didn't want to get exposed back then that you got hurt."

Kang, Hwang, KangDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora