Once again

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Jade's POV

    Finally we are going to Rhode Island with the crew from Hollywood Arts to celebrate 4th of July. 

¨Beckie are you still packing¨

¨NO I'm giving birth. What do you thing I am doing¨

¨Very funny now hurry up.¨


He walked out of the door shirtless with his hot man bun.


¨Hot or what¨


¨Ok I will hurry up¨


Beck and I are still dating and I thing I am in love with him. I know I am dark and mean but I love him so much and that feeling of love is like being 6 and opening a Christmas present and finding the barbie you wanted. Or in my case my first pair of grown up scissors. And I hope this trip will be everything and more.  I even miss Tori. Yup I just killed part of me with words.

Beck's POV

I heard Jade call my name and almost that second I was done packing. 

¨Beckie are you still packing¨ 

¨NO I am giving birth. What do you think I am doing¨

¨Very funny now hurry up¨



¨Hot or what¨


¨Ok I will hurry up¨


I knew I loved Jade even though most people thought she was mean or not nice or whatever but I loved her for who she was¨

Robbie's POV

All I could do when I was packing was think about Cat I think I had a crush on her but now that I will get to see her after 8 years is very exiting.

Just 2 hours Robbie.

Cat's POV

I cant wait to see Jade. I made her a braclet with her name on it. Hehe. Jade is my best friend but she never tells me that I am hers. I hoped that this braclet will make her say I am her best friend.

¨Yes Cat you are my best friend¨ I said in my Jade voice

She can do my voice really well. I think she knows me and I know her. I cant wait to see her.

Trina's POV

¨After dating Andrew (My boyfriend) for a while he got down on one knee an-¨

¨I have heard the story 15,000,000,000,000 times!!!!!!!¨ Tori yelled

¨What ever Tori¨

Andre's POV 

¨There is a cat in my house¨

¨Grandma you are at the zoo and that is a lion¨

¨Oh I am going home¨


I cant wait for the vaca I mean time away from my grandma and hanging out with my friends and Trina. God please tell my she will be less annoying

Tori's POV

¨Bye mom going to the airport see you in a week¨

I am so exited for the vacation it will be fun I just know it.


Will Tori be right or wrong?? Find out in the next chapter

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