Rhode Island

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Jade's POV

After me and Beck got out of the car we saw everyone there. 

¨You were late¨ Tori said in a fake mad way

¨Oh no Jade be here on time¨ I did in my 40's pop star voice

¨I don't talk like that!!¨

¨Whatever hi guys¨

¨So rooms¨ Andre said

¨I call sleeping with Beck¨ I said

¨Fine with that¨ He said in return

¨Cat would you like to share a room with me?¨ Robbie asked shyly 

¨Yay sleepover time¨ Cat replied

¨ Oh Cat does not no what uh that means¨ I smirked at Beck 

¨Well don't think I am sleeping with Tori or Andre so my fiance for me¨ Trina  exclaimed

¨So it is you and me Tori¨ Andre said

¨Yup¨ Tori said

I smirked at the fact that Tori was upset


Not my best sorry

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