The End of a Beginning

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Becks POV

      I could go on and on about how amazing Jade is. She is perfect in her own gothy way. I love the way she eyes everyone she does not like. The way she drinks her coffee, and plays with scissors and gets so jelous when other girls flirt with me. I love her prefect make-up and the way she is when we break up. I love her in every way possible.

There is only one thing left to do to show her she is mine in every way possible. To get my Great Grandma Rosie's ring she left for me. ¨Beckett give this to your one love¨ She said to me. Although she would have hated Jade. Great Grandma Rosie was strict. he loved roses and pretty things. Her favorite colors were yellow and pink. Jade hates yellow. Jade loves scissors and coffee and black and blue.  She likes dark thing but alike Rosie she was overprotective. Like when she got me a dog. She told that woman who liked me ¨NO¨ and scared her of. I love her for that. Now thinking great grandma Rosie would have been respectful to Jade because 1. she would be scared of her. 2. she likes when people are overprotective and 3. she is nice. I got to get her to be mine right when the fireworks are going. Maybe even kiss her under the like of them. Man I love Jade so much I want to propose. She has wanted me to do it for a while but I knew I would do it on this trip.

¨Hey Jade you look nice today¨ I said sweetly

¨Oh so I looked Gross yesterday¨ She said bitterly

¨No I just...never mind¨


¨Jade I'm sorry¨

¨Want to watch the fireworks with me tonight¨

¨Sure oh shoot the Jade game¨

¨What about it oh sorry¨

¨It's fine¨

¨Really Beck¨

¨I love you¨

¨No what¨

¨I don't want to say..well that¨


¨Yeah if I give you nuggies¨

¨Beckett don't you dare¨



¨ahhhhhh beck   stop¨

¨Ok if you let me go I swear I will say it¨


¨I love you Beckett¨

¨Thank you Jadelyn¨

¨Uhg I hate my name¨

¨I love it come on¨

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