Chapter 3-David

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-Sit down, David. -Her voice was calm however it still sent shivers down my spine.- Do you anything about our... candidate?
-Not yet but we're on it.
-Thank you, David.
The last statement meant dismissal but I refused to move.
-Would you like to say something?
-I'm listening.
-Why are you so sure that she is the one?
-I'm going to be honest with you David, I'm not yet she is our best chance.
That sounded logical.
-I know it's hard just know that we support you. All of us.
-I know. Could you get Lilith, please?
-Of course.
I walked out to the hallway and headed towards Lilith's room. I entered without knocking and found her at her desk doing makeup.
-Naomi is calling.
Lilith turned around smiled at me and walked away without a word. Sometimes I just want to punch that bitch.

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