Chapter 6-David

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-Rhys has let her go.
That seemed to worry Naomi.
-Isn't that a good thing?
She sighed before turning to me.
-Good and bad. -She placed a glass on the table as her silver hair fell on her shoulder.- At least we know that she is alive. If you would be Rhys, would you let someone so important go out of the goodness of your heart?
It finally hit me.
-They made a deal.
-Which means that today afternoon I need her here. I don't care how you do it but I need the girl and every member of the clan. Clear?
I nodded and left to find Lilith and the others. Anger was boiling under my skin as I made my way through the dark streets of Eastview. If Rhys and his pack got the girl then everything we worked for since Lilith joined goes to waste. I couldn't let that happen. Naomi would be devastated and I couldn't let her down. She was my leader and my friend. This was the only thing on my mind even when I found the others.
-Daviiiiiiiiiiiii, heyyy.
-Cut it out, I don't need your bullshit right now.
Don't get me wrong Lilith was like a sister to me but she could be annoying. Very annoying.
-By the way, where is the kid?
I laughed.
-The kid? He is a year younger than you.
-Hey up until now I was the kid so now shut up.
She flicked her long black hair and turned to me. Her normally dark eyes were starting to show a hint of green.
Theo's voice was warning but calm and I saw Lilith immediately obeying the unspoken order.
-You have to teach me that. As soon as possible.
I saw a smile creep on the blonde boy's face.
-We'll see, this is a strong weapon of mine.
We looked at each other and grinned.
-We should get some rest.
The irritating sound of my alarm clock dragged me out of sleep. 4:00pm. Shit. I had half an hour to plan and execute a kidnapping. Within ten minutes I was fully dressed for the occasion and had a bag filled with napkins and chloroform. I tried my best to sneak out without waking up my roommate, Theo.
As I was wandering down the street I thought about the stupidity of my plan. I was a 29 years old man about to use chloroform to kidnap a high school girl in broad daylight. Genius, really but there wasn't a way of backing out now. My mind was too stuck up on my stupidity to realize that I arrived at Eastview High until I bumped into someone.
-Uh, oh sorry.
The girl mumbled as she was picking up her books. I recognized her. Damn it, she was the girl. I quickly turned around to get a headstart before she could look at me. I jogged into an ally to hide. Very creative, David, good job. I leaned against the cold brick wall of the flat that sheltered me. I didn't have to wait long before I saw her and I immediately felt bad. However, I was on a mission and the number one rule was no feelings. I was already stepping forward as the toxic towel slipped out of my bag, I flicked it in front of her mouth. I pulled the girl behind a trash can, struggling to avoid my own poison. Hearing her friends made my heart race a little bit faster, thankfully they just passed before the building. Making sure no one was around I dragged her out of the ally then picked up her limp body and ran. I was already late so I ran as fast as possible with a knocked out teenager in my arms.

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