Chapter 7-Alyssa

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I woke up on the hard concrete. Again. I groaned in pain and frustration struggling to get up from the floor. I was about to inform Rhys that kidnapping people doesn't help with making a deal but as soon as I opened my eyes I saw no sign of the wolves. I was in a room with only a few chairs and a rug, I expected Elliott to come and laugh at me instead, five people were standing in a circle around me. There was a girl about my age with long black hair, pale skin, and mesmerizing black eyes. She was slim but not skinny and there was something both terrifying and calming in her appearance. Next to her was a boy, probably around 20 with dark skin, brown eyes, and messy black hair. He was quite muscular and tall. The third person was a man, probably in his late twenties with olive skin and dark hair. His green eyes from his threatening image. As I took a step on the cold ground towards the woman I was facing I couldn't help but notice her beauty. She was seemingly around 25 or so but the way her silver hair framed her deep blue eyes was... eternal. It sounds stupid yet that is the most suiting word. She was quite tall and seemed strong too. Then there was a boy. He'S honey blonde hair was very messy and it fell into a pair of blue eyes. Not the kind of calming, wise, deep blue the woman had but an icy, aggressive, vibrant blue that sent chills down my spine. His skinny and tall build was very familiar. Maybe the thing they knocked me out with was too strong or... then it hit me.
I looked him in the eye, sending a death glare before turning to everyone else.
-Look, I don't know who you are or why you kidnapped me but please just let me go. I had a fucked up week and this isn't helping.
The two older boys looked shocked but the girl with black hair started laughing as she approached me.
-God, I might even like you after all.
She took my hand and shook it. It was my turn to stand there like an idiot. This was definitely not the reaction I expected.
-I'm Lilith.
She pointed at the dark-skinned boy.
-That is Theo, the old man is David, I suppose you already know Xavier and she is our leader Naomi.
She motioned towards the women with silver hair. She stepped forward.
-Alyssa, right?
My voice was a bit shaky but considering my situation I was holding up just fine.
-I know that this might shock you or even scare you but what if I told you that vampires existed and you are one of them, one of us?
I don't know what happened but my mood quickly changed. I looked the leader vamp in the eyes.
-Can I be honest with you? Nothing shocks me anymore.
I basically spat the words but I didn't care.
-Plot twist.
The boy named Theo commented joyfully.
-What would you say if I told you that whiches existed and we need your help?
I was getting a little confused but here we go.
-I believe you -I said simply- but I don't get the part where you need my help.
Naomi stepped forward again and everyone instantly froze.
-Let clear this up. Sit down, please.
She motioned towards one of the chairs as she sat in the one facing it. I did as I was told.
-I believe that we are over the part where we try to convince you that vampires exist, am I right?
I nodded.
-The way it works is there are three... layers. Three types of vampires. Number one: omega. Omega is the vampire you see in most of the tv shows. Omegas are stronger and faster than humans and they can also heal quicker. The negativity is hunger. Number two: beta. Betas are a little bit more powerful. They are faster and stronger than omegas and can heal quicker. They can convince people about anything pretty easily. Bigger power, bigger hunger. Number three: alpha. Alphas are the most powerful category. As you could guess by now, they are stronger and faster than betas and can heal extremely fast. The convincing is called compelling and alphas can do that better too. The other addition to their abilities is an outer force. A talent to control some kind of element. There are six types. Water, fire, electricity, wind, earth, and animals. Some alphas can use their powers, some can't.

All along I was in silence listening to Naom's explanation. I didn't even notice my jaw drop until someone slightly pushed my chin upwards closing the gap between my lips. I looked up to send Xavier a death glare.

-Xavier, I'm talking, do you mind?
She didn't raise her voice nor seemed frustrated and yet the pale boy instantly stepped back. I already respected her. She turned back to me.
-As I was saying, the greater the power the greater the hunger which means that alphas have a very hard time controlling themselves.
There was no need to say 'hunger for blood' because I already knew that much about vampires.
-So, what's the catch?
Why would they turn me into something this powerful if they don't benefit from it?
Naomi was more than surprised.
-Isn't the fact that you could murder people while losing control enough for you?
-No, I mean why does this help you?
The silver-haired girl at one of her... erm... friends and smiled.
-You are smart Alyssa.
She stopped for a moment and as she stared into my eyes I felt like she knew everything about me. Every little secret, every memory, everything.
-The truth kind of hurts my self-esteem but we need your help.
-You? You need my help? You as in a whole clan of powerful vampires need the help of a teenage girl who's biggest problem is the upcoming math exam?
Xavier stepped in.
-It's a little hard to explain.
I sighed and stood up.
-I need time to process.
-I get that but you have to promise me something.
I looked at the leader and nodded.
-You will answer us first.
At this point, I was even more confused. How do they know about Rhys? Is this just a stupid game?
-What do you mean?
-I know about the deal with the wolves.
Her tone suddenly became ice-cold.
-I'll think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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