Chapter 5-Zara

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I've been waiting here for two hours still, she didn't show up. She didn't even pick up the phone. I called her for the twentieth time with no luck. I don't know what the hell happened but I'm going home. I was worried about her. I mean she was magically healing and something was following her. I was serious about the vampire thing. I mean it's a little insane yes but we are insane. Simple.
As I was walking home I saw a girl with dark brown hair. I wasn't sure about who she was but I tried my luck.
The girl spun around to face me and I saw my shocked friend standing there.
-Zara. Hey.
-Where the hell have you been? I waited in the library for two hours! 
She seemed shocked.
-Oh yes, I completely forgot. Sorry about that.
-Why would you forget that? Otherwise, what are you doing here and where were you? I covered for you in school so be thankful.
-Thanks, Zara. You won't believe me if I told you what happened.
-Try me.
-Ok, so basically I was kidnapped in my sleep which is bad enough but then there is the fact that they took me to a weird room and said that I was a werewolf, like them and then one of them turned into one and I'm messed up because I wasn't scared and I made a deal with them and I'm just screwed.
She said all of this in one breath. I was a little shocked but k, this is my life now.
-What deal?
-They let me go now but I have to go back tomorrow afternoon.
-Ok, I'm loading. -After a while I spoke.- So let me sum this up. You can heal and you are a werewolf and now you are going to go to a pack of werewolves. This is all because you have been bitten in the forest.
-Technically, they didn't say that but it seems logical. They also said that I'm in the first part of the Changing, whatever that is, and that I'm going to become violent and hurt6 people and stuff if I don't learn control from them.
I was looking at the ground, probably looking for advice in the cracks of Autumn Lane.
-Yeah, you should go back. Learn from them or something but don't let them take you okay? -I winked at her and she returned my smile.- Can't lose my best friend right?
We laughed and started walking towards my house.
-By the way, don't tell anyone, please.
-You don't even have to ask.

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