1. We Call it the First Day of School

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The September day in Lima, Ohio was gloomy. Jace Peters strolled into the doors of McKinley High, clutching the right strap of his backpack. But the weather did not affect his mood, nor the smile printed on his face. It felt like a breath of fresh air being back inside the walls that made his life worth living. With a squeaky clean track record of Glee club and captain of the soccer team for the past three years, Jace strode purposefully through the halls.

Despite not seeing any of his fellow gleeks on the way to his locker, Jace received high-fives from a few acquaintances along the way. He's not as close to them as he is to the rest of the New Directions though. Jace wasn't a popularity hound, he simply joined Glee club because he liked to sing, and he joined the soccer team because he'd been playing for years. Everyone knowing his name was an unintended perk. Having people greet him when he first stepped into the school did a few wonders to his already bulging self-confidence. And not in a stuck up, egotistical kind of way like Mr. Schuester's (the old Glee club coach turned principal) first glee club was. He was humble, but no one had the chance to question his ability and talent.

The first of his fellow New Directions to make their way to his side was Armani Berry. Yes, like that Berry. Closely related to the subtly aforementioned "first Glee club participant" Rachel Berry. LeRoy Berry's little, and for the sake of the baffling age difference between the siblings lets just go by baby, brother was Rachel's uncle. Even though Rachel insisted on calling Armani "little uncle" since she's 26, putting her 8 years ahead of the senior, it didn't change the ancestral status.

"Have you seen a short light brown-haired boy? About 5'10? I'm looking for my best friend."

Jace turned to the sound of the familiar voice. Armani's hand still hovered in the air, only barely away from his forehead as he and Jace were the same height. Jace chuckled at the sight of the boy and Armani leaned off of the lockers to instinctively dap Jace up after dropping his hand.

"Dude, I thought you were switching schools?" Jace said bewilderedly after pulling away. His assumptions were due to an incident that occurred during the two best friends' junior year.

"Yeah it was looking like that, but you did a hell of a good job convincing me to stay during the summer. You and everyone else," he referred to the New Directions.

Jace nodded but ultimately couldn't keep his excitement at bay. Even after being horribly prejudiced in front of the entire school, here was his best friend giving the school another shot. Jace wrapped his arms around Armani briefly before pulling away, causing a smirk to stretch onto Armani's lightly tanned skin.

"Dude I'm just so glad you're here. I don't know how I'd go through senior year without my best friend." Jace finally exhaled. And the two friends laughed before getting into a regular conversation.


Riley Griffin scoffed upon seeing Nate Chong exit the bus. The whole reason she left the house without him in tow was that she didn't want to see the annoying boy in school. And here he was, at school before she even had the chance to find a parking spot. However, when she finally did find a spot, pulled out the key, and got out of her car, she jumped at the boy leant up against her car. How did he get over here so quickly? She removed the hand over her heart and an angry glare settled across her features.

Until Nate turned around and she had to plaster on a faux friendly smile. "Nate, hey, I am so sorry about leaving the house without you." Lie. "I just have some before school things to get done, you understand." Mostly a lie. And she didn't care if he understood or not as she kept it pushing. But the clingy boy was quick to pick up his pace and catch up.

"Wait, it's okay." He said eyeing the lips that he'd yet to notice were pulled in a fake inviting smile once he was caught up with her. She gave him a side glance and he immediately looked up, eyeing whatever he could in the sky. "I get it. So what do you have to do?"

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