3. A Normal Glee Day

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We briefly leave the New Directions to see what it's like to be a normal school student in William Mckinley High School of the Performing Arts. Allison Shane has a closeted talent that nobody but her brother Alistair knows about. And well, if she really didn't want anybody to find out that she could sing, why would she resort to the spot under the bleachers to belt out a tune.

"Oh, ho," she heard the little whoop. When Allison looked up, she saw a black-haired girl with dark makeup bringing out her pale skin. Her eyebrows were decked in piercings. Her shirt was admittedly very pleasing to look at with the word 'bite' written in white scratched letters.

"What the hell?" Allison asked as she brought her hands over her chest. So being caught singing was slightly embarrassing. Then again, who is this chick?

"How does your voice do that?" The mysterious girl asked.

"Uh, who the hell are you?" Right about now she was wishing she hadn't taken off from Nate for lunch. The floppy-haired boy would probably scare off gothie with his aimless talk about cheerleaders.

"Jack Artist. And you?"

"Your parents looked at you and said, 'damn, you look like a Jack.'"

"Mm. So she's funny but can't introduce herself?" Jack shot back.

"Allison," she said, leaving out her last name.

"Don't tell me you're skipping out on glee club." She looked down at the invisible watch on her wrist. "You should be meeting up right about now."

(That they are.)

"Hell, no, I'm not in that." Her voice sounded like the New Directions were a bad thing, but really she was still embarrassed even though Jack didn't mind her singing.

"Why not?" The sixteen-year-old was only making conversation.

"Because I just got here. Why are you asking me so many questions?"

"I was drawn to your voice," Jack said truthfully.

"Can we stop talking about how I was just singing?"

"Sure, it was so melodic but sure."

"So, what are you? A freshie?"

Allison rolled her eyes and found a protruding bench behind her, taking the seat. "I'm fourteen, so yes, I'm a fucking freshman."

"Okay, can we be friends?" Jack asked with slight hopefulness in her voice. Her eyebrows were drawn as she stared Allison down.

"Because what? You don't have any?"

"Shit, you're funny. And actually, yes. I just moved here. I'm a junior, but I know no one."

"And I'm easy because I'm a sad widdle fweshman?" Allison was joking, but she had a monotone voice. She was happy when Jack understood it was a joke and laughed along.


Ryland Russel Jr. purposely skipped the first day of school. His aunt had robbed a jewelry store five months ago and he had to go into protection until her trial closed. Well, here he was, a day late to school after getting together his bearings. Of course, everyone had found out about it over the summer if they'd missed the big news last May. The looks he got walking in a day and a half late were a mix of sympathy, confusion, and disbelief.

"Okay, we get it! My entire family are criminals!" He shouted to a particular onlooker. The boy shoved his own head in his locker, but Ryland kept his glare on the back of his head. The words also shut up the rest of the 11th-grade corridor, all the way until he got to his locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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