2. The the First Day Continues

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Geez, I have so much fun writing this. Especially since I'm in my first year of high school and have never experienced it. Please forgive me if I make any characters sound like they're a bit of a dumbass.

Apparently, as a senior, you were a guide. That you were supposed to show kids around the school purely by the guilt of just thinking to say no. That's why Lauren Jackson was showing a freshman and a sophomore around the school (both taller than her, by the way) and being forced into conversation with an overactive 5'10 boy.

"This school is so big! How long have you been going here? Well, that's pretty stupid you could've been here since 9th grade. You also could've taken a year off and came back," Nate kept going on and on whenever he didn't receive an immediate answer.

Laura was thankful for the dual-colored haired girl whose name she learned was Allison when she butts in. "Woah, Nate, chill. You're giving me a headache and probably the girl too." Laura rolled her eyes from her spot in front, leading the two younger teens. "Hey, 'girl' what is your name?"

"Laura," she said speeding up, trying to get to the office twice as fast to try to evade the meddling teens.

"Oh, that's nice," Nate said with a smile.

"Yeah, tell my parents," she said instead of saying thank you.

She always thought it was weird how people could compliment people on things they had no control over. Like, "damn, Laura, you're fine as hell" (which she knows she is) and "I like your braids" (braided by one of her friends when she had them last year), and "you have nice eyes" (even though it was a weak ass form of flirting from that particular classmate a couple of years ago since they were just plain brown). It's like, "thanks for complimenting these physical things about me that I didn't do, but I'm not the one you should be congratulating."

"Hmm, maybe I will," he joked. But Laura didn't find it funny. It was stupid, actually. Weak ass comedy.

"This is the office," she exhaled when they finally reached it. She ran a hand through her long, curled hair. "Have a blast. It's the first day," she said with fake enthusiasm. Smiling with her cheeks only before taking a long stride away from them, hearing a faint "thank you" from Nate and "thanks bro" from Allison. The way she dressed didn't make her a 'bro', but she didn't have the energy to correct the freshman.

While she walked away, she realized it wasn't even that bad showing the two of them around. Granted, Allison sounded like she was trying a little hard to impress but that could just be her natural attitude. Nate definitely was just that... odd. And no weird shit, he was good looking. A sophomore, so immediately "ew" in her book, but he had his looks. Not that it mattered to her anyway; she's not into guys. Anyone could probably tell by her not-so-feminine outfits. But she still wore the skirt combo during competitions for glee club. And might Laura just add, she was so thankful for the fact that the New Directions actually had uniforms to perform. She'd watched a few performances from 5-10 years ago and just yikes. Their outfits were terrible. The voices and talent were great, but the dresses and ill-fitting shirts and ties were distracting as hell.

That was when she walked straight--aha--into Miara Austin. Except, she didn't exactly know that since she stood at a good four inches shorter than the Cheerio.

"Well, shit," she said backing away. When she looked up to see who the aggressor was she realized it was a girl. Not just any girl. The girl. She shook her head of the thoughts of admiration that came first when she remembered that she'd just been bombarded. "Um, excuse me? You just charged at me." Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but she wasn't just going to back down in front of the infamous cheerleader.

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