Mission code: 1

436 9 2



Side Note - when you see a couple dots it means its moved to another clip of the story. It be ".." On their on and then the new clip will start. Do you still call the next part of writing a clip or is there another word for it?

"Bye Sis, the next time we meet I'll be a brilliantly leader who brings peace to all. I'll make it so no one needs to cry again, just make sure your there when that day comes" He smiled brightly as he stood in the doorway, a hand ruffling threw her hair as his eyes shined with promise and brotherly love. 

"I'll be waiting, I know you'll be the greatest hero ever that the world never knew they needed till now" She smiled softly, her eyes shining with sisterly love and pride as she looked to him. 

If she knew it would be the last time she would ever see him, she would have made sure to let go of him and beg him to stay to forget his dream.

But she didn't and now she was alone. 


Voltron ... Vigilantes who hunt down criminals that hide in the shadows ensconced in the dark world. They are devoted to putting an end to those who have skilfully evaded the arms of justice.

These brave women and men give up their own futures to save the world without ever being known.

Just a single name to represent what company they worked under .. the name of their new forever family. 


(Cue awesome badass theme song and intro ... Nah, I'm just messing)

Galran Academy a school cut of from Japan, a school on its own island with a single long road connecting it to the rest of Japan. An academy ran mostly by a single class of students and a single second head master, the main head master face unknown and never seen, they only call to pass on orders. 

An academy where each student has the chance to become a future leader one day, toughed almost brain washed into becoming the needed future leaders one day. 

Four classes are known, ,

Class A - Students who will one day become police, security guards and soldiers. 

Class B - Basic students, this class will hold every other student in the school who are trying to move up to Class S in hopes to be the main future leaders of countries or the world. They will be numbed up to four classes of B class for the four different year groups.

Class C - Unknown, the class is rumoured and no information has been added to public records. 

Class S - Class S, the most powerful and brightest students are in this single class for all four ages of the school year. These students hold the most power within the school, they control the students and run the school themselves as they stand beside the second head teacher. Even teachers are lowered ranked then anyone in Class S. They are the rulers of Galran Academy and everyone dreams to be in the school in hope to hold so much power once they leave school. 

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