Code Mission: 2

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"Galran Academy" She asked surprised, glancing to her proudly grinning brother who held up his phone showing the email.

"Yep, It seems Japan noticed my out of this world brain and how good looking I truly am. I leave in two weeks, they paid for the transfer and everything, I don't even need to pay for the school its founded by the goverment. Its the best school in the whole world and I have a chance to become a world leader for somewhere .. I can make the world such a better place and not let a liar or corruption take over for greed" He beamed as he let his sister read his email.

"It warns you that you'll be cut off from the rest of the world, only allowed to have any type of communication once a year for your birthday or Christmas you have to chose but even then, you'll have to be the one to make contact. How will we talk" She asked with worry as she scanned over the last of the email.

"What the academy doesn't know, won't get me kicked out and since your mind out of this universe .. You might be joining me in the academy before I leave. They even let students who show great promise skip a year .. I'll be waiting for you little sis" He grinned ruffling her long hair a little.

"We both know I won't show up, I don't want to be a leader for somewhere or someone. I'm happy being a nobody in the shadows but you'll be the greatest hero known to earth. I know you'll be amazing" She smiled brightly hugging her brother.

"Thanks sis, will you be ok living alone. I have until tomorrow to decline the offer" He asked with slight worry as he glanced around their family small house living room looking to the old photos.

"I'll be just fine, I'm going to miss you but I can handle myself. Plus this is a once in a life time chance to make a difference in the world. YOU said it yourself, its the best school in the whole world and they just waiting for you to make it shine even brighter. I'm cheering you on" She grinned with pride and her brother looked to her while they stayed in a semi hug.

"Thanks and I'll make sure to keep you looking up to me, I'm sure Dad and Mum would be proud of you, their little miss all grown up while so young" He smiled gently and tucked some of her lose hair behind her ear.

"They would be proud of both of us, mostly you for getting into your dream school without even trying but just being yourself. But remember, I'm only three years youngest then you, so if I'm a little miss then your a little sir too" She smirked earning her brother to chuckle.

"If you say so but I'm old enough to check out girls while you still droll over tech" He teased making her pull from the hug and playfully punch his arm.

"Your been drooling over girls since your were in dippers and you still cry over every rejection since you were in dippers" She teased back earning him to nuggy/nuggie her hair. 

"Urg" She groaned and pushed him back while he laughed. 

"Lets have the best movie night ever this Friday then we can have the best games night ever on Saturday" He grinned and she just nodded with a small smile.

"I'm gonna miss ya geek" She mumbled embarrassed, the house for four would be really silent on her own. 

"I'm gonna miss you too sassy but I'll make sure to text and call in secret. Why do you think I carry two phones, One I pass to the teacher when caught using one and the other as back up. They have no clue who they messing with and nothing gonna stop me from speaking with my little sis" He smiled cheekily and she giggled.

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