Mission Code: 9

65 3 2



"Hello, are you open" Pidge spoke up as she entered the small friendly café, hearing a bell chime above the door as she stepped in. 

"Oh yes, hello how can we help" A young women smiled sweetly, standing behind the counter ready to take any orders or help. She was tall and big boned, smooth dark skin with a grey rock tattooed on her left upper arm and a flower crown tattooed around her left upper arm. She has dark brown hair cut in a short bob and dark brown eyes. She wore a sun yellow shirt and a sandy coloured skirt that ended at over her knees with tights. A white apron tied around her waste with the café logo and name on. Thick silver bracelets around her wrists and huge hoop earings. She seemed around twenty one years old. 

"I was hoping to ask a favour, you see I'm doing an online collage but I need somewhere to go each day to do my classes. Do you think I can steal a corner booth and do my work and classes here daily, I'll be buying drinks and most likely a muffin while I am here too if that helps, I'm willing to each pay to book the booth if that helps" Pidge shyly asked as she walked over to the counter, her grass green shoulder back hooked over her shoulder with her laptop, keys, purse and phone inside. Of course the phone her own but the rest was from the company, keys for the undercover flat she using for this mission.

"Oh, a collage student" The women muttered surprised as she looked Pidge over thinking she was much younger, Pidge noticed the name tag clipped on the shirt pocket said Shay. 

"Yep, I'm short for my age but I am in collage. I just can't handle going to a real collage due to past memories, mind if I use this place. I'll have headphones to make sure I don't make too much noise" Pidge replied with a small smile as she stopped in front of the counter.

"I don't mind but I don't know if this is the best place for you to use while you do collage work. Its a small café and well" Shay stared to say with concern but soon stopped herself from saying anymore.

"Shay, Honey have you seen the- Oh, a costumer sorry for cutting in" A older male started to call out as he walked into the café from the back hall that lead to the kitchen and break room along to the stairs to the floor above that been made into an apartment. He was a big guy and seemed strong, his skin dark and smooth. A single grey rock tattoo matching to the women's on his right inner ankle. He had longish black hair brushed back with an orange ribbon strap tied around his forehead. Kind light brown eyes and he seemed around twenty years old. He wore the same sun yellow shirt as the women with baggy black trousers, white crocks on his feet making the tattoo easy to spot if looking. 

But what Pidge noticed most was the one year old girl in his arms, she has lovely dark skin with long light brown hair in pig tails and dark brown eyes. A birth mark on her upper arm in a strange rock shape but as tiny as a finger nail. She wore a light blue summer dress with a pink ribbon around the waste and pink bows on the thin shoulder straps. White slip on shoes with matching white socks. 

"Hun, why isn't Shannon having her nap" Shay spoke up with a worried smile as she glanced to the match, lifting her hand to stroke the girl cheek and Pidge noticed a silver ring on the lady ring finger matching the males ring on his ring finger.

"Are you two married" Pidge asked as she tilted her head to the side, she read the report and it just said the two were dating and ran the small café together. Nothing about being married or a child added. 

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