Mission Code: 5

74 5 5



"Crap .. It's a trap"

"Stick close together .. we'll have to cover each other"

"Wait .. where Keith"

"Shit, he ran after him"

"What now .. we can't handle this many at once"

"They trying to stop us from reaching Keith .. we need to stop him"

"GO, I'm trusting him to you .. we'll hold these guys off as long as we can just get to him in time"


With Keith ..

"Ah, so you did follow me but are you sure you wish to know the truth" Lotor sweet voice filled the open air at the back of the Class S grounds .. a round circle of short cut grass and mud.

"What is in that coffin" Keith voice was low and threating as he stepped forward, His blade in his hand ready to attack or defend in at any moment.

"Acxa" Lotor answered with a soft smile as he turned to face the other student, a dark wooden coffin laid beside his feet with a single cross engraved on the lid.

"Wha" Keith whispered in horror as his eyes landed on the coffin.

"Go look, I'm only giving her the burial she deserved, she has no family or any who would miss her but now she can lay at least knowing someone cared. Its where I bury all the students killed by her hands .. she truly a cruel women" Lotor answered as he glanced to the coffin with sadness and grief.

Keith didn't say another word, instead he walked over slowly keeping his eyes fixed on Lotor who soon stepped back to allow him to look inside the coffin. His blade sliding back into its sheath on his left thigh. He wore black tight legging like trousers with dark blood red hiking boots that ended at his ankles. A sleeveless cherry red hoodie jumper, the hood over his head with two black belts crossing over his shoulders and stomach. Candy red fingerless leather gloves on his hands.

His gloved hands ran over the cross, his body screaming to either fight or flight as he looked to the coffin. Taking a quick short breath he pushed the lid off a little before freezing as his eyes landed on Acxa limp body .. she was dressed in a long slim navy blue dress. Her lipstick been placed on but no other make up as she was laid to rest within the coffin.

"She was killed just for another gain" Lotor voiced was heard once again and Keith felt him moving closer but his eyes stayed on the dead student inside the coffin .. a single white rose in her folded hands.

"We all just a tool to someone else in this world and it seemed she was used to help anotehr grow closer to you, Keith" Lotor warned, a slight smirk on his lips as he looked to Keith but the poor student had no clue over his smirk as his eyes stayed on the dead girl.

"I don't allow others to get close to me" Keith huffed before pulling the lid close, he just hated anotehr dying without reason .. he hated wasting a life.

"But you have, she was the one who lead you to me was she not" Lotor replied like a wise man, a slight smile on his lips as Keith turned to him before standing.

Voltron Vigilantes (Kidge)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ