city motion

13 3 0

dear diary,

this city is new, exciting, and strange. i love it.


the bar was the same as always. the loud drunkenness, and all of the creepy men hitting on me. i'm lesbian, dumbasses.

i don't drink those girly drinks. i lived in the rundown town miles away where my father would only bring back cold beer, and i'd beg for a tiny sip.

my father was a strange man. he seemed sad to see me leave the house. however, he always encouraged me to live in this city.

a man had asked for my number. i decided to fuck with him as he bought me a drink.

i wrote on the napkin, careful not to let him see,

"thanks 4 being nice, u got no chance buddy, i'm about as str8 as a zig-zag"

for such a tough girl my handwriting is soft.

i walked into the apartment, flopping onto the bed. tomorrow would just be another day working at the café down the road. though it wasn't a terrible job, the bitches there made in unbearable.

speaking of bitches, dogs aren't allowed in my apartment, but if they were i could imagine bandit barking his ass off. for such a tiny chihuahua he was a monster.

i didn't even bother to change into more comfortable clothes, i passed out in jeans. i regret it. they left such bad marks.

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