city talk

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first of all, i was not ready for this.
second of all, i was overwhelmingly ready


one day you're a human, and the next you're some freaky monster in a world you didn't know about until now, but somehow everyone knows you.

sounds a lot like some fantasy book, but i assure you, it's worse than you could ever imagine.

why is my life always like this? i've lived in this city forever but it still changes every day.

i guess in that way, it is similar to me.

sorry, i should probably put some more context into this.

i'm only 15, but i guess the city thought that was old enough.
i'm male, though i don't know if labels really stick anymore.
i'm chosen by the city and its peoples. it sounds really cool (but it's not.)
my name is roy. it's kinda old fashioned but apparently it means "king" or "red-haired" but since i have blond hair i think the first one makes more sense.

back to the serious edgy stuff: basically, there's two people.

one for the consistent city. the boss, basically. that person runs the city.

but then there's the runt. the misfit. one for the ever-changing stupid side that for some reason had to be represented by me.

you probably have so many questions, (so do i.) but that's just how it goes i guess. the "boss" as i guess i'll call her; i don't even think many people know her real name. anyway— the boss decided it was a good idea to show up at the foot of my bed one morning to tell me all of this.

by the way, i sleep with only underwear on.

i guess you could call us close


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