The Psycho Club

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How do I say this hmmm. Well for starters this is not really something anyone will ever know about unless your crazy enough to look for it. But there's this club of well people. Horrible people and it's called the psycho club it's called that because well there all crazies. Like real crazies. Don't ever try to go into there meetings or you'll become a sacrifice for nothing actually lol. They'll just kill you for the heck of it shred your body up afterwards in a meat grinder and make you into hamburger then go out and sell that to people because they think it's funny. I heard of one guy that accidentally went into there meeting by accident and got his hands tied to one truck and his legs tied to another and they just started to pull him apart and didn't stop either and all you'd here was " PLEASE STOP ILL DO ANYTHING..." then no sound at all. There's more I could say but I'll save it for the next time we meet.

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