The Box part 2

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                             I reach for the handle of the door I got thrown back. It was like it was already at my car waiting. It threw me onto my back. I heard something crack. It was my foot it got twist like a pretzel. All I could do was crawl now. But I saw it...right in my car in the drivers seat...looking at me with it's nothingness of a face. Just black it was shaped like a human but it wasn't. I could feel it looking at me with its darkness. I try to stand and run. But I fall there's nothing I can do. My foots broken but I won't let it get me. I flip on my stomach and crawl off the road. I crawl as fast as I can from whatever it is. I feel fear. It feels like Spiders crawling all of my body. I'm shaking with it. I'm trying to crawl as fast as I can. But there's no point. I realize I'm not even's got me I can't move...I'm going to drags me back like I'm nothing and picks me up. It looks into my face seeing my fear feels like it's feeding off of it. All I see is nothingness in its face nothing but darkness and evil I can't move. Everything around me starts to darken. Is this death.

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