The Box part 1

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Oh my God as I was driving I saw a box. Me being me and how I was raised thought maybe I'd become a billionaire like maybe there's some money in it lots of it. That would've been great but there wasn't...What I found to my horror was something  wrapped in plastic it looked like there was blood dripping from it. All I could think was I need to leave I need to leave. But I couldn't move or I didn't want to. I wanted to see what it was.So I picked it up carefully and unwrapped it as I was doing so. A loud noise like a skrech came from somewhere and I jumped and dropped the thing but as it fell I tried to catch it and caught a piece of the wrap and it just unraveled like a hotdog on a hill. To my horror it was a hand. I don't know what happened afterwards all I can remember is just racing back to my car like something was behind me. I felt as if something was running it's fingers through my spine it was cold I shivered all of a sudden I got chills and..

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