Chapter 2: Distress call

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(Third person POV)

(2 years later)

Currently, Akiri was seen wearing a hood in a dark alleyway waiting for someone. After a while, he saw a black sedan drove into the alleyway and stopped In front of him. A shady looking man wearing a trench coat stepped out of the car and approaches him.

??? : Araki?

Akiri simply nodded his head. The man then opened the trunk of his car to reveal a black briefcase. He unlocked the briefcase and opened it for Akiri to verify that it is the right item. He took it out to inspect it.

??? : What does a kid needs an EMP module for?

Akiri: That's none of you're concern...

He continued to inspect the item and once he was satisfied, he puts it back into its slot in the briefcase and closes it.

??? : Now, the money?

Akiri then pulled out his phone and began to transfer the money and complete the transaction. The man looked at his phone to see the correct amount of money transferred to his account

??? : Pleasure doing business with you

Akiri just nodded again and walked away while the shady man got back into his car and drove off


Akiri is currently in the abandoned facility heading towards his IS which is in the hangar of the facility. In the last two years the abandoned facility is now where he was staying at while working on his IS. The facility is now fairly clean due to him staying there but was still worn down. He made his Father's office into his living space and keeps his IS in the hangar area. He also found a testing area in the facility which he uses to test his IS every time he made changes to it. Once he is front of his IS he puts the briefcase on his workbench and opened it. He then got to the computer which was hooked up to the IS.

- Core information

- IS information<-----

- Run diagnostics

- Programs

- Initiate IS startup sequence

[ Displaying IS information ]





- Generation: 1

- IS type: Full body

- Model number: V4N5G4RD

- Designated Codename: Vanguard

- Power supply: Shiranobu Industries prototype compact nuclear reactor

- Shields : Modified standard generation 3 shield module

- Open maintenance hatch<-----

[ Opening maintenance hatch ]




The maintenance hatch on the back of the IS started to open.

Akiri then walked up to the back of the IS and looked at the now opened maintenance hatch and pulled out a burnt EMP module and replaced it with the new one which he just bought. He got up to the computer again and ran diagnostics

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