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The flickering lights of the hospital room were enough to make you snap awake. A sign on the door indicated visitors weren't allowed. You wondered if nobody had even come to see you during your 2-day unconscious state. What if no one even thought about me? The parades of flowers, gifts and get-well-soon cards told you otherwise. A nurse rushed in.

"Honey! You're awake! Your father and many pro-heroes are outside waiting to come in! The students were told to go home because it was too crowded. They put up a real fight though... The heroes are asleep but I can wake them-" Before the nurse could continue you had a say in it.

"No. Leave them to sleep. I'll go through some of these." You jabbed a thumb at the hundreds of gifts and cards. The nurse had stars in her eyes.

"Such a lucky girl! Pretty, powerful, at UA and has many admirers! I wish~!" You smiled at the young lady.

"Have you been the one taking care of me since I arrived here?" You asked fiddling with a bouquet of daisies. The nurse steadily nodded, clasping her wrist. "Do be so kind as to fill me in?" The nurse hastily nodded.

"Of course, Of course! Where shall I start... From the battle?" You nodded reassurance. She took a deep breath coming closer to your hospital bed. "Well after that boy, Endeavour's Son, had- Uh...? Burnt you... He had won. He cried a lot, like I mean, a lot!! Endeavour picked you up and took you here. A blonde boy, Bakugou was it? Was about to murder the son of endeavour and it seemed as if he allowed it... Oh, let's not focus on those details, shall we?! I don't know what happened behind the scenes but after you were brought here you were unconscious for two entire days! It's okay though, you're not missing anything, school is having a three-day break for the students so if you're well today you will go to school tomorrow? And~ while you were unconscious you had so~ many visitors! Like geez! So many students and heroes and I can't even begin! I am so jelly! Oh... I'm ranting, aren't I? So unprofessional..." The nurse sighed. You chuckled a bit, yet, you still felt pain for the guilty boy who had accidentally hurt you.

"You're fine. Now, what injuries do I have?" The nurses' eyes widened.

"Oh my god! I forgot to tell you??? Geez! You have a head injury from when you fell off the arena. You have several severe burns on each limb, though, we were able to avoid scarring except for your left shoulder which has a red scar... Oh, don't fear though! You look super... 'Manly' quoting a student from before. It looks badass! Um, no broken bones, your all healed just a bit stamina drained so after we run a few tests we will decide if you can go back! Now let's see..." She began to examine your heavily bandaged body.

You peered to your left shoulder to see the same red scar Shoto has on his eye but much smaller and on your shoulder... It actually did look cool! But of course, you felt remorse for the said boy, you wish you hadn't been the reason to cause him another dosage of pain.

As you flipped through the gifts you noticed Shoto hadn't wished you a get well. Plenty from the Todoroki family but none from Shoto himself. You felt guilty like maybe he hated you for putting him through that pain. Also, you thought Katsuki did the same until you noticed the crumpled letter on the table. Get well soon, dumbass. I'm worried about you, and, that never happens!! Don't make me cry again, idiot... You saw the blanket that had been wrapped around you were the same as Katsuki's. He had gifted you something... Cute.

"Alrighty! I'll wake your father up and your good to go!" Ohhh... My father up? He's going to kill me!!


The car ride home was full of screaming. He yelled at me for being reckless, for hurting others, for hurting myself and breaking his -and many others- hearts. After he ranted, I gave him some tissues, an apology and a hug he showed me photos taken of Bakugou through the security cams. He was crying. We both began laughing and teasing him seeing the rare sight of the boy in distress. I felt bad about it but between my father and me, secrets and gossip are always safe.

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