6 The Capital

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After the first encounter....

Kai swam as fast as she could to reach her people. After the war, their capital was gradually being rebuilt. Thousands of years ago it was where the wheel was created, where language and writing skills were first developed, where nations commerced, and sirens reigned supreme justice. The city of dreams and pride was forgotten. It is nothing compared to the glorious home that it was before.

The humans never found its location, but after the war raged on, they thought it best to flee their capital.

It was called...

She swam through the many villages to the center of the city where the Moonacre Temple resided. This was the residency and meeting hall for their leaders, whom they called elders. The guards at the gates let her through without a glance. They knew who she was and what she was capable of.

She ignored the newly planted coral and sea plants and statues that decorated to courtyard as she swam into the main hall. The Elders just happen to be in the middle of a discussion, but when they saw her all words ceased. They rose out of their chairs and turned to adress her.

"Kai, our brave general and warrior," An elder said soflty. "I sense urgency in you... what is coming?"

Kai shook her head and knelt down on her tail. "My teachers I am greatly distressed. Something horrific has happened and I fear I have endangered us all. My stupidity may change our destiny."

"Fear not, daughter." Said another mermaid. "Time and unforeseen occurances befall us all. None are predestined."

Finally, the chief siren, Aquila spoke. Her green tail flowed up and down. "What we say is always true, my friend. Tell us what has happened and we will listen."

Kai told them everything... and after she had finished the room was dead silent for a moment.

Aquila was the first to sit. Although her skin was dark, one could still see the wrinkles of thought across her forehead. "We haven't had direct contact with any human for several millenia. Mostly by accident... but this. This was different. He didn't try to kill you?"

Kai shook her head. "No."

"I see." She said.

Another elder spoke. "He tried talking to you. Strange indeed. And you did not kill him?"


"Why not?" Asked another.

Kai replied. "He was a Prince. If the son of a human leader goes missing, they will want answers. This wasn't a peasant life that I could just end and it wouldn't matter."

"Yes but this wasn't just some drunken sailor that they'll say was hallucinating." Aquila spoke. "This is a prince. And if he wakes and remembers and believes it not to be a dream or a daze, he will still want answers."

"That is why I have come my teachers. What do you wish me to do?" Kai asked humbly.

There was silence in the room. The Elders glanced at each other and then nodded.

"Kai..."Aquila asked. "Because he is a prince, do not take his life, not yet. Show mercy and... tolerate him."

"Tolerate him?" Kai gawked. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"We must maintain our approach of harmony and peace. Do not befriend him, do not even try to make him an acquaintance. Just remain neutral."

"But why?" Kai asked.

"If you kill him, we could start another war. We can't afford to battle at this time. Our people are still recovering. And if we ever were to contact the humans again... we would want to be in good standing."

EDITING■The Ocean's Voice- A Mermaid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now