18 Crashing Waves

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Kai froze, unsure to flee or stay for a while longer. She sat back in her seat, slowly.

"I need to ask you something."

"Ok?" She replied

I need more time. Edmond thought.

Edmond moved close to her, wrapping his strong arms around her small frame, saying in a husky tone    " How can you... deny me, how do you not want me?"

I can't believe this. Did nothing I tell you register in your brain?! Kai raised her eyebrows at him and she began to laugh in amusement.

The smirk on the prince's face turned into a glare of frustration. Kai enjoyed seeing him feel rejected. It made her feel like she had taken revenge for every woman taken advantage of by man.

"Becuase, " she responded, prying herself from his grasp "You are used to getting what you want, whenever you want. You are used to being begged for your affecttion. Any real relationship or affection you want to last, must be earned."

I am not a desperate doll, desiring for my owner to play with me. Kai thought. Each time I am dropped I break a little more inside. I will never allow any one to hold any part of me.

"A lot of women would kill to be you right now, my lady." He growled

"Well, I'm not one of them, your boastful-ness. And your arrogance makes you even more unattractive. I'm not captivated by your pathetic trance." She hissed

How dare you, you little sea temptress! I don't understand how she is resisting my every move. Any other girl would have given in much sooner. Edmond thought

Just then there was a suddle rush of waves beneath them. Kai could sense a disturbance in the sea. Something was coming toward them.

"Kai get in the boat." Prince Edmond commanded.

Kai's gaze blazed at him, as she reluctantly did so. They both crouched low, peeking out of their boat. Edmond casually put his arm around her, in a protecting manner. Kai noticed and was rather annoyed at his persistence. But she was too curious about what was approaching them.

Just then they heard voices, men's voices. The voices grew louder as they came closer. As the mist cleared in the distance they saw a number of boats with sailors and lanterns. And they were looking for someone.

"Your highness!?" The men shouted.

" Your grace, where are you?!" Others yelled

"Your highness?" Kai repeated. Then she realized they were looking for Edmond.

Edmond... he arranged for peace... But he didn't know about the Marine War becuase I never told him... until now. He knew! That shark knew I was someone important before.

He betrayed me, she thought. I'm such an idiot. Its a trap...

Seeing the fire in her eyes the prince began, "Kai, it's not what you think-"

"Why?" Kai asked desperately, as a sinking feeling formed in her chest. "Why would you..." Her voice drifted off.

"I would never hurt you-" he began, suddenly realizing he didn't want to carry out his father's plan.

"You lied. I thought- I though you were sappouse to be my friend." She retorted, bitterly. Something sank deeper with in her.

I knew he would backstabe me sooner or later! Kai thought

The prince opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. The boats were getting closer.

"Kai flee! Get away from here while you still can." He begged her.

Kai jumped into the water. She was about to dive but stopped.

She turned to the prince and said "I will flee. I will warn my people. We will defend ourselves. But I never want to see you agian, Edmond. Not ever."

Kai dove into the water and swam away.

As Edmond watched her leave, he mummbled "I'm so sorry Kai. I wasn't suppose to get... attached..."

Eventually, the boats came to the prince and he met his men.

EDITING■The Ocean's Voice- A Mermaid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now