31 A Voyage to the Moon

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Edmond sat down on a chair next to Kai. They said nothing, until Kai broke the silence first.

"The moon is really pretty tonight. The way it reflects upon the water. Its perfectly white and the water is this misty purple and teal. It's some sort of combination of sadness perhaps."

"Of Sadness?"

"Yes. I used to be able to read the waves very well. The colors or the size of the ripples in the water would be symbolic somehow... I just think it looks lovely."

"Just like you." The prince said smiling, as he watched Kai stroking her hair. "Its better in person though isn't it? The moon and the sea?"

"Thank you". Kai said quietly, slightly blushing. "Yes the moon is better in person, I would know."

"Mhmmm." Edmond nodded to her. "May I?"

" You mean you want the brush?"

" Yes you missed a spot." He lied.

Kai's hair always seemed to be perfect, he just wanted to be near her.

"You may." She shrugged, handing it to him.

He began taking off his slippers and rolling up his pajama pants to avoid getting them wet. Then he got up from his chair and stepped into the shallow pool were Kai resided. The water was a perfectly cool temperature. Edmond took the brush from her and began to brush her silky hair. When the brush was no longer useful he ran his fingers through her wavy hair to make sure there was no remaining knots. Kai was too tired to care or wonder why he offered to help her.

"...You want to go see it?" He asked fiddling with her locks, as his fingertips grazed her bare back. Kai shivered ever so slightly.


"Me and you. I can grab a row boat and we can head out there and watch. We won't go to far of course, your still recovering. It would be completely safe."

Why do I feel this way? Like a live fish is in my belly?!

"I don't know." She replied hoarsely.

Mermaids don't love. I do not wish it. I do not want him. Luna would be furious.

She looked out at the moon, at Lunas face. Kai blinked and saw a pair of delicate lips appear on moon's surface with feminine, dark eyes.


The mermaid nearly jumped out of her seat but the moon shook her head ever so slightly. She stayed were she was. Luna nodded and smiled. Then Kai heard a vioce, like a whisper.

You need not be afriad of him.
I will it.

Wh-what?! Luna I don't understand!

The moon smiled again and her face disappeared. Edmond's reflection in the glass taking her place... He too was looking out at the sky and the sea.

How did he not see?

But his hands were entangled in her hair.

Oh that's why.

Kai thought for a moment, it was dangerous. But after what Luna said...

"I still don't know."

"What?" Prince Edmond said teasingly "You don't trust me?"

Kai giggled but immediately stopped. The pain limited her joy.

She smiled! Kai hasn't really smiled ever since... the incident. Edmond thought

"Very well," she said. "Go by the entrance tunel and I'll meet you there."

The prince leaped to his feet and was almost out the door until he stopped. He turned to Kai and said. "Will you be ok by yourself?"

"Yes I will be fine. Now go on... prince charming." Kai teased back.

The prince shook his head and smiled. He happily left the room.

Kai slowly got up. She winced, but quieted herself in order not to wake her mother. Holding her shoulder steady she made her way to the tunel.

"Kai?" A voice said in the darkness.

Oh no. She recognized that voice.

"Yes mother?"

"Be careful. Have Edmond help you, if you need him to. I love you."

Kai smiled. "I love you too."

Pearl got up to hug her daughter. Little did she know this would be the last time she would see her.

"My little guppy." Pearl said sweetly. "I like him Kai, despite what people say about him. You've changed him. And he changed you, in a good way. Coral prophesied that you would change the mer world and you did. I'm proud of you and I approve of Edmond... He is very handsome for a human."


Pearl rolled her eyes and smiled at her daughter.

"Thank you mother," Kai replied.

"Kai listen to me," Pearl sang, hugging her daughter.

(Pearl sining)

Perhaps that law about love was wrong
It brought peace to our world's and happiness to two people
Who feel like they finally belong

This love
It seems as powerful as magic
And this love thing,
maybe it's not so bad
after all

Kai smiled. She always admired her mother's voice.

"Now go Kai. Don't keep him waiting. Have fun. I'll be here when you return. I love you dear."

"I love you too mama. Thank you. Goodnight." Kai said as she huddled off.

Pearl folded her arms and looked out the window at the moon, a smile of satisfaction on her face.


Edmond helped Kai into the boat. It was a painful process for Kai, but she was in. And so, began their voyage to the moon. Edmond rowed them out so they were in front of it, just like his dream.

A mother daughter moment?

Like? Love? No? Mabey? Tell me? ;)

EDITING■The Ocean's Voice- A Mermaid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now