Prompt: "being in love is not a weakness, you know?"
Genre: angst with some fluff
More info: uhhh set in the actual game; Dan's there and he reminisces about young love with Henry and yeah he angy. Basically AU of my AU.


Dan was angry. Angry at the world, angry at Joey, angry at this stupid studio that he was stuck in.

It had been bad enough that after leaving the studio, he had lost contact to his closest friends. Norman had decided to stay. Sammy never came over for dinner that one night. Shawn and Grant had stayed in touch, or at least tried to. Grant wasn't in the mental state to leave the studio, although Dan could tell the studio was the reason for that. Shawn wrote letters everyday until he just,, didn't. The words from the Irishman had completley stopped.

Dan continuously tried to find out what was going on, hell, he even tried to do some investigating himself. But he couldn't find anything.

So he lived alone and tried his best to forget.

Until that damned letter came. The letter that ended up getting him and Henry stuck in the old, now run-down studio.

The studio where Dan found out the truth about most of his friends. They were gone. Dead. Except for the few that ended up with the terrible fate of being turned into these terrible monsters.

He had seen Norman, oh poor Norman. Ink covered his whole body, which was frail and skinny. He had a projector for a head that connected to the horrible inked body of his.

Then there was Sammy. Nearly killing Dan and Henry, it wasn't him anymore. His body also covered in ink and a Bendy mask covering his face. He was angrier than ever, and didn't seem to recognize the two. Also trying to sacrifice them to Bendy- god knows who turned into that monster.

But now Henry and Dan were sitting on the ink stained floor, trying to figure out what to do next.

"We should keep going," Dan sighed after a good minute of silence. His voice was raspy now, not at all like it used to be back then.

And so they did. They walked for what seemed like hours but they eventually came across a familiar place.

The financial department. Grant's department.

Tears pricked at Dan's eyes as he remembered how he would go over and see a stressed Grant, who would immediately calm down when he saw Dan.

"Daniel!" A huge grin spread across his face as he saw the young man in his room. They would hug. Talk. Shawn would eventually join them. And they would discuss work and make plans on how they could help each other.

Dan sighed as he remembered what once was. But both of his friends were dead now. He couldn't do anything. As he walked into the room he saw the walls covered with scrawls of agony and hatred. A few tears rolled down his cheeks and then he spotted the tape. Oh to hear Grant once more.

But what he heard wasn't Grant. It was screams of pain. Terrible screeches and cries of agony.

Dan listened, crying freely and dropping to the floor. That was when he realised. Grant was still alive- more or less. He was one of these,, things. And Dan had to find him.

"Whoa, hey, where are you going, Fenske?" Henry perked up as he saw Dan quickly scramble off the floor and march through the door.

"I'm getting Grant back," he grunted, but stopping. Henry grabbed his axe and jogged a bit to catch up to him.

"What the hell, that's gonna get you killed? Didn't you hear, he's not alive anymore he's-"

"Shut up, Henry. He's still here and I'm going to get him,"

"He won't recognize you,"

"I don't care,"

Henry grabbed Dan's arm, stopping them both. "There's no use, Daniel, he's gone."

Tears ran down the younger man's face and he finally let it all out. He wailed, lunging into Henry's arms, who held him tight. Henry slowly lowered them both to the ground, still holding Dan. They stayed like that for a while, and eventually Dan had stopped crying.

"I know you loved him, Daniel."

Dan couldn't even look up at Henry, just nodding slightly, still in Henry's arms.

"Being in love is not a weakness, you know," Henry continued. Dan just croaked out a few words before passing out, each word slow and rough, sounding almost painful to say.

"In here it is, Henry."


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