prompt: none, just Sammy yearning mostly
genre: fluff? I'm not trying to make it angsty I swear


A bright and early morning at Joey Drew Studios. Most people were in a good mood, Sammy being one of those people.

Although he had stayed the whole night at the studio again and barely slept, he was happy to know he would see Daniel and Norman again.

"Good morning, Sammy!" a smiling Dan called from the door. Sammy waved with a small smile and brushed a hand through his hair. God, he probably looked terrible.

Dan walked over and started messing with Sammy's hair, then turning Sammy's face to him. He investigated the bags under his eyes, more prominent than usual.

"You stayed the whole night again, did you not?" Dan frowned.

Sammy just chuckled lightly, brushing it all off. "Yeah, but I'm fine, really! Now, we should go set up, hm?"

"I know you're ignoring the question," Dan said as Sammy got his sheet music in order. "You want a tea?"

"Coffee please, dear," Sammy replied and Dan was already out the door.

Sammy sighed and smiled, thinking about how adorable the young man was. He was one of the newest members but already was one of the most skilled. His imagination was limitless, and his drawings were full of life. Sammy couldn't help but be in love.

Then came the knock and he turned to see Dan and Norman standing in the doorway, Norman giving him a slight wave as Dan held two mugs.

They walked in and Dan set the two mugs down on the table. "A black coffee for the sleepy head, and a nice chamomile tea for me!"

This caused both of the older men to laugh a little. Sammy thought what it would be like to love with them. Waking up next to them, seeing them and holding them close every day.

"Hey, Sammy! Now, dont fall asleep on us," Norman stated, quite loud, which was unusual for him. He never talked much, except around Sammy and Dan. Meaning, he trusted the two.

Sammy apologized and began to drink his coffee, and listened to the other two talk amongst themselves. He caught a glimpse of Norman's eyes. God, those beautiful grey eyes. They were far from dull, but maybe it was just the lighting from Sammy's department that made his eyes shine bright like stars.

He found himself smiling and being stared at by the other two.

"Ah, probably asked me a question, huh," Sammy responded, causing Dan to giggle slightly.

"It's okay Sam, me an' Dan are just gonna go set things up before the others come. You just relax," Norman said, smiling softly. He put a hand on Sammy's shoulder and he nodded.

"Thank you both, really," Sammy set his coffee down and stood up. The three fell into a big hug and everything felt good. Sammy was good.


A/N -
I am just on a writing ROLL anyways gAY

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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