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(It's been a while)

[Readers Pov]

 After the first image of the crime scene showed on the screen, I clicked off on the remote and sat there. Just a little girl. I shook my head and went back to my sketch. So many deaths have been happening lately and after what happened last night, I've been thinking about going to my father's old cabin that we used to go to in early summer. It was peaceful there and perfect to take a break from everything.

 Another thing I need to worry about the guy from last night. I'm going off a hunch but I think he's the...killer......possibly.

I zoned out of my thoughts and realized that my sketch was finished.

It looked just alike.

The mask..

The scarf...

Creeps me out.

Ok. Yeah. I'm going to the cabin.





 The car ride there was long and tiring but I finally made it to the dirt road that leads right to it. A smile crept on my face thinking of the times I and my dad went fishing in the lake nearby and the fish pulled so hard on the line that I was thrown into the lake. Sadly the fish got away.

 Bringing my car to a stop, I opened the car door and stepped out. The wind breezed through my [H/C] hair as I looked up at the cabin that has been there longer than I have lived. 

 The cabin had a few vines growing on the side but overall it has been in great condition after my father had passed. He kept good care of the place while I was busy with my things.

I wish I was there for him...


 Pulling the two bags up the seemingly long staircase that was not that long, I pulled them into the room I used to sleep in. A lot of the things that used to be in here either went with me or was stored somewhere up in the attic. Now there is only a queen-sized bed with a wooden frame and a desk in front of the window.

 I laid the bags on the bed. The blankets on the bed wrinkled as the weight was set on it. Oh, I forgot about this blanket. It was my absolute favorite as a kid. It had stars covering most of the blanket and a UFO. Awesome. I wanted to be an astronaut.

Guess that never happened.

 I unzipped the bag that had pillows and pulled them out. As I sat them on the top of the bed, my stomach growled a bit. I didn't eat too much during the trip here so might as well eat now.

 Going through the fridge and cupboards, I was able to fix myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Nice.

 As I was about to take a bite of my beautiful sandwich, I heard a knock on the door. A little weird because no one should be out here but ok...I guess. I set my sandwich down and walked over to the door cautiously. I don't need another creep with a mask near my home. 

I turned the handle and peeked through the door.

Opening the door all the way.

No one.

"What the-"

 Before I could get my thoughts straight, someone spun me around to face whoever and pulled me in by the waist. okokokokokokokokokokokookokokoooookokokookokokokokok what the HELL.

 I looked up at them and saw the same half and half mask I drew.

 My eyes grew a little wide, how in the heck did they find me.

"Why did you leave me?"

 His voice was not too deep and a bit rough. He cocked his head to the side and it looked like he was very curious about this.

"What?---who?---are you?"

 I was shocked that whoever this was, found me. So trying to get my thoughts together, this creature person just pops into my life without warning one day after the death of my friend and I leave to take a break and he follows? The fuck.

 Before he answered me, I looked down and notice what he's doing. He had his hands on my waist and we were extremely close.. 

 My face grew very hot.

"Why is your face red?" he asked curiously but then he realized his hands were-

I pushed him off quickly, "It just got really hot in here is all"

I tried to play it off cooly.


"You're bad at lying"


Hopefully, you enjoyed it, sorry for any misspellings 

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