Season 10 Episode 3 - Become This Warrior

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Lilly is holding Lucy as Lucy is bouncing on Lilly's hip and Troy who packing a bag looks up at Lilly

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Lilly is holding Lucy as Lucy is bouncing on Lilly's hip and Troy who packing a bag looks up at Lilly. Lilly asks "What's going on?" Troy zips up the bag and says "I've been doing some thinking and I think I need to put some distance between us" Lilly asks "Troy, what are you talking about?" Troy shakes his head and says "I love you Lilly and I always will but lately you've changed and Ethan's dead so I'm gonna move into Dwight's old room" and Lilly widens her eyes in shock as she asks "You splitting up with me?" Troy says "You take it however you want but I'm done, I'm done with the violence and anger. When I first met you, when I fell in love with you you were different...but now you have hatred and rage in you and I cant deal with that" and Troy picks up his bag and softly smiles at Lucy and kisses her head and Troy says "Sorry Lills but until you change I cant be with you" and Troy walks towards the door and Lilly puts Lucy down on the bed and Lilly turns to look at Troy and says "You blame dont you? You blame me for Ethan's death?" Troy looks back to Lilly and shakes his head and walks out of the room and tears well up in Lilly's dark brown eyes and she cries.

Negan is in The Meeting Room staring at the chair he usually sat at, the head of the table when Lilly rushes in and she sighs in relief and says "Oh good I didn't miss ya" Negan smirks at Lilly and says "I want gonna leave without saying goodbye n...

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Negan is in The Meeting Room staring at the chair he usually sat at, the head of the table when Lilly rushes in and she sighs in relief and says "Oh good I didn't miss ya" Negan smirks at Lilly and says "I want gonna leave without saying goodbye now could I?" Lilly smiles and she says "Dont go, not you. Alpha has proved just what she's capable of, the lengths she will go and I dont want you in danger so I'll get Laura to go...I need you Dad" Negan smiles at her and says "My Babygirl you've grew so much, I'm proud that your my Daughter...I've lived with a lotta regrets but you're the only thing I done right with my life. I forced you to become this warrior who takes no shit, I made you who you are and I'm sorry for that. I've caused you a lot of hurt killing Brad and Kenneth and for that I'm sorry, you said you needed me this is how you need me to help take down Alpha  that's how I make right of all the wrong doings I have done to you and Jase and Meg, it's how I earn your forgiveness" Lilly looks at Negan with teary eyes and she says "I'm glad you made me fight cause if you didn't I'd probably be dead right now. I love you Dad, I know how stubborn you can be and theres no changing your mind" and Negan picks up his bag and says "Sounds like someone else I know, your my angel. Look after our Family and the group" and he kisses her forehead and tears spill from her eyes and she says tearfully "Wait..dont leave me Daddy" and Negan engulfs Lilly in a hug and he cups her cheek and says "I have to this. I have to do this for strong Babygirl" and he walks away as tears roll down his cheeks and Lilly breaks down crying.

Jason is walking around The Sanctuary when Negan appears at the end of The  hall and Jason's eyes widen as he rushes to Negan and asks "Gramps what's going on? Theres talk going around" Negan says "Yeah I bet there is

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Jason is walking around The Sanctuary when Negan appears at the end of The  hall and Jason's eyes widen as he rushes to Negan and asks "Gramps what's going on? Theres talk going around" Negan says "Yeah I bet there is. Listen Jase I gotta go join Alpha's group" Jason angrily asks "That devious bitch! So let me get straight, you're gonna go into the woman who killed My Baby Brothers group?!" Negan says "Listen not everything is what it seems alright. As far as Alpha is concerned I've not got a Family, no group I'm totally isolated and I need a group for protection then I'm gonna hook up with her group and then earn her trust then we get payback for Ethan" and Jason asks "Will you come back?" Negan puts his hand on Jason's shoulder and says "I will always come back kiddo. But while I'm gone I need you to step up and be a man and take care of your Mom and brother and Sisters and cousin alright" and Jason nods and says "Stay safe Grampa" Negan smiles as he kisses the top of his head and walks down the hallway.

Anna is sitting outside the sanctuary when Troy walks outside and deeply sighs as he tilts his head back and looks up at the sun as smiles at the sun that is beating on his face

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Anna is sitting outside the sanctuary when Troy walks outside and deeply sighs as he tilts his head back and looks up at the sun as smiles at the sun that is beating on his face. Anna says "I love the sun" Troy looks to Anna and says "What you doing out here?" Anna shrugs her shoulders and says "I needed some me time, but you look like shit" Troy rubs his temple and says "I left Lilly and I've moved out of her room" Anna grimaces and says "Ouch, break ups are the worst...You know what I think you need?" Troy bites his bottom lip and asks "and what's that?" Anna says "Some fun, you're always walking around here with a long face and keeping The Saviours in check" and Troy smirks and says "What did ya have in mind?" Anna smiles and says "Come with me Handsome" and Anna stands up and walks off and Troy follows Anna.


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