Season 10 Episode 12 - Pull Through

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Troy is walking through a hallway in The Sanctuary which leads to the kitchen and he opens the double doors in the kitchen and he walks into the kitchen when he looks down and his eyes widen as he sees Lilly who's laying on the kitchen floor cover...

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Troy is walking through a hallway in The Sanctuary which leads to the kitchen and he opens the double doors in the kitchen and he walks into the kitchen when he looks down and his eyes widen as he sees Lilly who's laying on the kitchen floor covered in blood and theres a pool of blood surrounding her as shes gasping for air. Troy shouts in a panic "Lill? Lilly!" Troy rushes towards her and falls to his knees as he places his hand on the back of her neck and Troy is in the verge of tears as he asks "Lill? What happened?" Lilly reaches up and clutches her hand on Troy's shirt and she closes her eyes and Troy screams "Nooo! Lilly stay with me!".

Troy is running down towards The Infirmary with a dying Lilly in his arms as blood has seeped through his army green shirt

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Troy is running down towards The Infirmary with a dying Lilly in his arms as blood has seeped through his army green shirt. Dr. Carson looks up as Troy barges into The Infirmary with Lilly in his arms the Doctor asks with his jaw slightly dropped "What the hell?" Troy sets Lilly down on the bed carefully and gently and Troy says as his eyes are rimmed red "She was stabbed, you gotta save her" Dr. Carson nods and says "Of course, I'll do what I can" Troy bellows "No! YOU WILL SAVE HER!" Dr. Carson nods.

Kim is cradling Christopher as Jacob and Lucy are playing on the floor with toys

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Kim is cradling Christopher as Jacob and Lucy are playing on the floor with toys. When Troy walks in with bloodied hands and his clothes stained with a lot of blood. Kim looks up at Troy as Jacob and Lucy shout with joy "Daddy!" Troy looks down and smiles at his youngest Children. Kim stands up and looks at Troy with worry and asks "What's happened? Whose blood is that?" Troy wipes away his stray tears and sniffles as he approaches his young Children and says "Its Lilly's" Kim's face falls "What?! Please tell me shes not?" Kim asks trailing away. Troy kisses Lucy's head and he rubs Jacob's head and looks at Kim and says "I dont know, Carson says its touch and go. She got stabbed, she lost a lotta blood" Kim's face falls and she begins to cry and she asks "Who done this?" Troy shakes his head and replies "I dont know yet but I'll find out then I'm gonna make them wish they were never born" Kim wipes away her tears and asks "What do we do now?" Troy looks at Lucy and Jacob as the twins are playing and he stands up and says "We have to keep the group safe and take care of Jason, Sally, Christopher and The Twins that's what Lilly would want." Kim nods and says "Yeah you're right...somebody should tell Negan, he's her Dad. He has a right to know" Troy nods and says "I know, I'll contact him and tell him".

Jason walks into his bedroom when Troy is sitting on the end of his bed and Jason looks at Troy in shock "Troy? What's going on?" Troy says "Sit down Kiddo, somethings happened" Jason nods and walks towards him and sits on a chair and asks "Has so...

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Jason walks into his bedroom when Troy is sitting on the end of his bed and Jason looks at Troy in shock "Troy? What's going on?" Troy says "Sit down Kiddo, somethings happened" Jason nods and walks towards him and sits on a chair and asks "Has something with Alpha? Is Grandad okay?" Troy nods and says "Negans fine. Jase something bad has happened to your Mom" Jason's eyes fill with panic and worry "What? Is she okay?" Troy says "I dont know, somebody tried to kill her. Your Mom is badly hurt" and Jason looks down and asks "Is she dead?" Troy shakes his head and says "No, shes alive for now but shes touch and go" Jason shakes his head and cries and Troy stands up and envelopes Jason into a hug and Troy says comfortingly "Its gonna be okay Son. Your Mom will pull through".

Martin walks inside his dorm room as Anna and his Wife are sitting and Martin says "Its done, shes dead" and Anna smirks as her Mother dissaprovingly shakes her head

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Martin walks inside his dorm room as Anna and his Wife are sitting and Martin says "Its done, shes dead" and Anna smirks as her Mother dissaprovingly shakes her head.

Later that night Negan is walking through the woods and reaches a cave

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Later that night Negan is walking through the woods and reaches a cave. Negan carefully looks behind him and around him to make sure no Whisperer is near and when he sees the coast is clear he takes out his walkie. Negan speaks into the walkie "Lilly? It's me, you there?". Troy is sitting on a chair beside Lilly's bed and has a walkie in his hand and he says "Negan, its Troy" Negan looks taken back and confused "Troy? Wheres Lills?" Troy says as his eyes are filled with tears "Negan somethings happened" Negan asks with worry spreading through his chest "What? Lilly and the kids are okay, right?" Troy says "Somebody stabbed Lilly, shes dying" Negan stumbles back in shock and asks "What? Nah shes not dying. She cant die! I'm only finding out now?!" Troy says "i couldn't make contact! I didn't wanna blow your cover! I'm sorry Negan" and Negan says "I'm coming back" and Troy says "No, you cant, we cant stop now" and Negan says "I gotta be there for Lilly and My Grandkids!" Troy replies "I'm taking care of them!" Negan says "I want an update on her by the morning. I'm heading over there" and Negan ends the conversation. Negan stands still for a moment in shock and tears begin to stream down his cheeks and in anger and frustration he punches the cave and screams "ARGHH!"


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