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"why're you here Oikawa?" you ask shakily.

"here with my team, what bout' you?" he tells you slyly.

"here with Yachi and Karasuno" you say as Yachi grabs your hand.

[Yachi's POV]

i can see [y/n] uncomfortable, so i grab their hand. they look at me as if thanking me. i squeeze their hand.

[no one's POV]

Oikawa moves closer to you, and Yachi let's go of your hand.

"[y/n] i'm gonna head back.. come?" Yachi says.

"uhhh.." you look at Oikawa moving closer and closer to you.

"you go ahead Yachi" Oikawa says through gritted teeth.

Yachi glares at Oikawa, then looks at you. you smile weakly, and she wanders off.

you don't see Oikawa's hands grab your waist. he pulls you to his chest.

"i missed you [y/n]" he whispers into your ear.

"mhm. leave me alone." you say trying to pull away.

Oikawa holds onto you tighter. you try to push him away. then you feel Oikawa's hood loosen.

"leave them alone" someone says.

you turn to see Kageyama's hand on Oikawa's shoulder. you glance at Oikawa, who was glaring at Kageyama.

"let them go" Kageyama says.

"fine. your highness" Oikawa responds smirking.

Oikawa lets you go, and walks away. you look at Kageyama.

"thank you.." you say and smile.

"you're w-welcome" he says blushing.

you guys walk back to the house. you say your goodbyes to Kageyama, and enter your room. you look at Yachi and start to tear up.

"oh [y/n] i swear i didn't know he'd be here.." Yachi says frowning.

you sniff and tears start flowing down.

"it's fine Yachi..." you manage to get out.

Yachi goes over to hug you. you hugged her back. she lets you cry onto her shoulder.

you guys let go, and she wipes your tears away. you then remember a lot of memories you and Oikawa had. you guys had a "middle school" relationship, but a lot of drama happened.

you get up.

"i'm gonna go to bed. goodnight Yachi" you say sighing.

she nods, and you take a shower. after your shower you change and head to bed. the next day you just silk into your pillow.

"[y/n] c'monn" Yachi says already in her bathing suit.

you groan in response.

"let's just go swim! it'll get your mind off of that pain!" Yachi says cheerfully.

you sigh and nod.

you get ready and go out. you spot Kageyama and wave at him. he waves back blushing. then you see the tall blonde guy with glasses tap Kageyama's shoulder.

you sigh, then as you start walking around. you spot Yachi and Kiyoko in the water, and start walking towards them. you get into the water and start splashing around with them.

this made you stop thinking about Oikawa. you guys started heading back to the house, because it was getting late.

as you were walking, you bumped into someone again.

"O-Oikawa?" you manage to say before he turned around.

you start to back up. you then start running towards the house. you were shaking as you remembered all the memories. good and bad ones, and that made your heart hurt.

on your way there you bumped into Kageyama.

"s-sorry!" you say in between sobs.

"why're you crying" Kageyama responds worried.

"it's nothing really" you say as you wipe your tears away.

Kageyama hugs you, and you hug back. you start to cry onto his shoulder, and crumble to the floor. all the memories of you and Oikawa were flooding your head.

"i miss him" is all you could say, until you fell asleep in Kageyama's arms...

I love you all! Hope you have an amazing rest of your day!

Beach! [Haikyuu x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora