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I'm gonna be changing up my writing format a little ☺️✨
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⋆* 🕊


[y/n] turned around to a familiar face, Iwaizumi Hajime. they looked at him shocked, he looked a lot more muscular. [y/n] turned to Yachi, who was blushing slightly. "hello," [y/n] responded. Iwaizumi gave [y/n] a look. "so oikawa was right," he said a bit irritated.

Yachi looked at Iwaizumi wanting to say something. it had been a few years since the two had dated. she was staring at the boy, when he noticed Yachi looked away a blushing mess. "what do you want?" the male said in a harsh voice. "n-nothing!" Yachi quickly said shivering out of fear.

"you never change do ya?" [y/n] said coldly to the angered male. "whatever," the male said. [y/n] rolled their eyes at Iwaizumi and turned back to Akaashi. "iwaizumi.. i-" Yachi started, but was cut off by the male scoffing. "save it," he growled.

"oi! don't talk to her like that, she didn't do anything," [y/n]  snapped narrowing their eyes at Iwaizumi. "mk." was all the guy could say before walking off.

[y/n] scoffed, then looked at Yachi. the poor girl was shaking and tears pricked the corner of her eyes. "u-uhh.. excuse me." Yachi finally said getting up and walking away.

"what was that about" asked the blue eyed male sitting next to [y/n]. "just some past drama, i'll see you later Akaashi.." they said whilst getting up and walking over to their weeping friend.

"Yachi..? are you alright?" [y/n] said wrapping their arms around the crying girl. Yachi sniffed in response. "you don't need that douche Yachi" [y/n] says softly. "i-i don't know w-w-what i did wrong.." the girl manages to say. "you did nothing wrong girlie," [y/n] says turning Yachi around to face them.

"hey.. you don't need him" [y/n] says rubbing Yachi's back. Yachi cries into [y/n]'s shoulder before collapsing onto the ground. "Yachi!" [y/n] yells.

"hey [y/n]!" says a familiar voice. they look up to see Kageyama running up to them. "what happened?" the male asks glancing at Yachi who was curled up into a ball. "just some stupid drama" [y/n] said rubbing Yachi's shoulder.

Kageyama hums in response. you sigh when you hear the soft shaky snores of the girl in your arms. "let me help you carry her back," Kageyama says picking Yachi up from your lap. "thanks," [y/n] says with a smile.

on the way to the house [y/n] is stopped by someone.

"wait [y/n]!" the voice called out.


I'm sorry I haven't been really updating the story here! I'll try and update it more often!

Thank you for all the support!🙈💕

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