Thick and Thin

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Through thick and thin
she provided the editing
to my many mistakes
the nights spent crying over
lost lovers
lustful affairs
that I
should have knew better
to dive into
but she always stayed thick
when I was thin on confidence
and when she was low
even though it was a rarity
I remember her strength
embody her power for my parody
because it's when my loved ones
are in need
I become my most strong
she always told me,
"You have greatness in you
it's in how you love so innocently
dont lose that no matter how many
setbacks life throws at you
you may have the thin tattoo
and I the thick
but its your friendship
that gives me strength
to be the woman I need to be
reporting every story
even the ones
they dont want from me."
But thats why my thick is no longer
by my side
you revealed too much
and they took your life

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