The Territories and Clans

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CliffClan lives in a portion of territory that borders the sea. The territory is made up of sand dunes and beach, as well as the cliffs in which their camp is located. The camp has three entrances, two of which lead up the cliff to the top, where it meets level with the top of a sand dune, the other goes down to the beach and splits into two paths halfway down. The camp has never before been invaded by another Clan because only CliffClan cats can see the pawholds that make up the ascent and decent. Apprentices train on a large flat rock below the camp.

CliffClan cats eat fish, crabs, seabirds, mice, chipmunks, snakes, and the occasional mink.

CliffClan cats are strong and muscular, but don't look it. They're sleek and agile enough to navigate the caves in their cliffs, but strong enough to climb what other cats consider a sheer surface. Their paws are slightly larger and spread out, preventing them from sinking into the sand.

Uses the term sea-melt for newleaf, greengrass for greenleaf, browngrass for leaf-fall, and sea-freeze for leaf-bare.


BirchClan is the only Clan with any true trees on their territory, and so they are the only ones to use the terms newleaf, greenleaf, leaf-fall, and leaf-bare. They have two camps: one on the ground among a grove of birch trees, and one in the trees. Kits are first taught to climb using bushes, then move on to small trees and are ready for the tall trees by the time they're 'paws. Unless they're born in the tree camp, in which case they're climbing the first time out of the nursery.

BirchClan eats mice, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, shrews, voles, the occasional rabbit, and rarely snakes and lizards.

BirchClan cats are good leapers and climbers.


GrassClan lives in a strange mix of meadow, grassland, and marsh. There are a few scraggly trees around, but they're pretty short and thin. They use the tall grass to help hide them and have their camp hidden on an "island" (just a piece of land almost completely surrounded by marshy water).

GrassClan eat pheasants, quail, mice, rabbits, snakes, and lizards.

GrassClan is fast and burrows where the ground allows, allowing for fast running without the grass getting in the way.

Uses the term ice-crack for newleaf, greengrass for greenleaf, goldengrass for leaf-fall, and marsh-freeze for leaf-bare.


DeathClan lives in a sandy desert. There's a small oasis among a rocky outcropping in the middle of the territory that DeathClan uses as a camp. Like CliffClan, DeathClan cats have paws that prevent them from sinking into the sand. DeathClan cats have large ears, which helps them stay cooler. They have lighter colored pelts.

DeathClan eats snakes, lizards, mice, hares, and any birds of prey they can catch.

They are mostly nocturnal (a bonus for Gatherings!) to escape the heat of the sun.

Uses the term heat-coming for newleaf, scorchheat for greenleaf, cold-coming for leaf-fall, and coldscorch for leaf-bare.


A large, circular rock in the triangle of land between GrassClan, DeathClan, and CliffClan. Used for Gatherings. (BirchClan has to cross through either CliffClan or GrassClan territory.)


Located on the border between GrassClan and DeathClan. Used for medicine cat meetings and the nine lives ceremony, although CliffClan also has a cave where anyone who needs to may go and speak to loved ones who have passed. (They keep this a closely guarded secret even among themselves because the path to reach it is so treacherous, but at least one cat always knows about its existence.)

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