Chapter 5

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Tidepaw nervously followed Dunemist out of camp and up among the rocks, climbing higher and always traveling away from camp.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Unfortunately, all that did was put Tidepaw in a greater state of anxiety. All she could think of was the previous night and what she'd done wrong. And she'd done it all wrong.

"Alright," Dunemist said, cutting through her thoughts. "Here we are."

Tidepaw looked up and saw the most stunning view of the sea she'd ever seen. It was completely breathtaking. The gulls were screeching, but the wind softened their cries. She stepped forward, eyes wide as she stared.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Tidepaw nodded, too awed to speak.

"I used to be really angry and temperamental when I was an apprentice. My mentor brought me here one time and told me to think back to this view when I felt myself getting angry. It helped me a lot. I still use that technique." Dunemist glanced at Tidepaw. "I was hoping that it could also help you; when you start feeling overwhelmed. I don't know what it's like, getting that overwhelmed, but I want to help you in every way I can."

Tidepaw tore her gaze from the waves crashing against the rocks down below and looked at her mentor. "Thank you." That means a lot to me.

Dunemist settled down. "Sometimes I like just sneaking off and spending the whole day out here."

Tidepaw purred in amusement and sat down next to her.

"No training for today. You had a rough night; you deserve a good rest."

Two moons had passed, and Tidepaw found herself constantly climbing up to overlook point Dunemist had showed her. Not always because she felt anxious, but because she loved the view.

By now, almost everyone in all the Clans was convinced that Gravelpaw had some unique connection to StarClan. He scoffed it off every time, but the rumors persisted. He'd made sure that all the apprentices knew that he was merely deaf on one side. No special connection involved.

Hazepaw had been the first to accept what he said. Tidepaw was sure it was because she had a secret crush on her brother. But eventually all the apprentices had come to accept what he said, just as they had accepted her.

She'd been to one other Gathering so far, and all the apprentices had seemed so genuinely caring and concerned that her anxiety was replaced by a feeling of distinct awkwardness. She'd never known how best to take compliments or concerns or anything, so she just stood there. Awkwardly. (Much like this paragraph.)

Fortunately, Tidepaw didn't have to interact much with anyone at the Gathering and she didn't go into another panic. She was able to get through the whole thing, even when BirchClan got aggressive towards them again.

Tidepaw was starting to feel like maybe she was going to be okay. Maybe she'd turn out to be normal after all.

(A/N) Sorry this is such a short and boring chapter! I'll make up for it in the next one, I promise. I hope everyone is still enjoying :)

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